Chapter 15 ⟭⟬

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I was hoping to see that face one last time before closing my eyes "Please.. Just once-" "JUNGKOOK!!!" I heard that familiar voice making my blood shot eyes look towards that direction "Y-Y/N?" I saw her running towards me

"Y-Y/N..N-n- no.." I tried to tell her to get out before anything could happen to her but suddenly a guy came out and started to attack the cell gaurds while Y/N ran towards me with tears in her eyes

"J-jungkook what have they done to you!" She exclaimed while holding my face softly and cried hard. I felt something different in my heart.. For the first time in my life, someone has cried for me.

I smiled looking at Y/N making her eyes go wide "Are you smiling? You!!!" She shouted and playfully hit my chest making me groan in pain.

Y/N gasped and said "I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" I nodded as in no. Y/N looked around and saw the lever to put down my cuffs. "Hold on" she said and went to pull the lever but the guy with the grey mask caught her hand.

"Y/N! Let her go!" I shouted and that guy slapped Y/N making her fall. My blood boiled when he layed hands on her "YAHHH!!" I Shouted and pulled my cuffs off.

I broke them with my bare hands and dragged my numb body towards him with unexplainable rage. I threw a puch making him crash on the table "Don' her." I paused as I threw each puch making his face bleed.

The blood triggered me making my breathing heavy but I couldn't stop myself from hitting him. "J-jungkook, enough!" Y/N said and she limped towards me but I kept trashing the life out off him.

"Jungkookah please" Y/N said wrapping her hands around my waist. She hugged me tight making me stop my action immediately.

I felt her rapid heartbeat through my back denoting that she was scared. I turned around seeing  her body tremble while crying.

I hugged her immediately and whispered "No one can touch you.. You're mine" making her eyes go wide.

"Y/N and Jungkook leave" the other guy spoke making me turn towards him "No way.. J-Jimin?" I called out and he smiled saying "It's been a while buddy" making me smile.


"Y/N take jungkook out and I'll meet y'all soon. Yoongi Hyung will be waiting in the back door" Jimin said as I nodded my head.

I made Jungkook wear my long coat and held him by the waist with his hand over my shoulder. Jungkook could hardly walk and he kept limping and wincing in pain.

"It's all my fault" I said as tears started to flow again. "N-no Y/N.. it's not your- Aghh" he groaned "Don't talk, let's get out first" I said and tried to walk him out asap.

"Y/N!" Yoongi oppa called out and ran towards us. Suddenly Jungkook lost concious but thankfully Yoongi oppa caught him. I sat on the backseat along with Jungkook while I layed his head on my lap.

"Jungkook! Open your eyes!" I said and slightly hit his face but he didn't react at all. "O-oppa he completely lost concious, We need to get him to a hospital soon" I said as I tried my best to wake him up.

"Oh fuck no" Yoongi oppa said and took a reverse "Oppa what happened?" I asked. "Look" he said and my eyes widened when I saw our Asylum's emblem in the cars which means.. they are trying to hunt us down.

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