Chapter 29 ⟭⟬

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"Jin, drive to this location" I said and turned on the gps to the asylum Y/N worked in.

"Namjoon, what's going on?" He questioned and I spoke "The person who got Jungkook must have got Y/N as well" "Jungkook? That boy who was accused for his family's murder?" He asked

"Yes and just like we suspected.. his family is still alive. They were threatened and taken away from the city to Jeju. Apparently Mr.Kim has blackmailed them saying that if they ever showed up again, they'll kill Jungkook"

"M-Mr.Kim? as in.. Kim enterprises CEO?" He asked with shock. "Yes, He has a personal vengeance with the Jeon Enterprises and hence, he went to this extent" I spoke making him more confused

"What does it have to do with Jungkook?" He asked and I said "It's because.. Jungkook is- JIN LOOK OUT!" I Shouted as the car crashed.


"So.. Y/N, Jungkook... Any last wishes?" He questioned and pulled out a gun. "Why are you dragging Y/N into this? Why are you treating your own son like shit? What did I ever do to you!?" Jungkook asked in a desparate tone.

"BECAUSE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ME!" The man yelled making us confused "What?"

"Your father ruined my entire life! He got the company, he married the girl I loved and he lived the life I dreamt of! I couldn't do anything to destroy him and then finally... I got a golden opportunity.

You and your parents got into an accident when you were 8 years old so I made them belive that you died on the spot. I sent my men to kill you when you were hospitalised but this brat Taehyung saved you and made you stay with his caretaker's family.

You believed everything since you lost your memories and lived with that family like they were your own. I can't belive his brain worked so much at such a young age" he said and kicked Taehyung's leg making him tremble.

Jungkook's eyes were filled in tears "W-what? My mom.. my Hyung. T-they are not m-my family? Then who am I..? WHO AM I?" Jungkook shouted as tears rolled down his face.

"You're a nobody now. You were merely existing in this world anyway and I think you heard enough" the man spoke and looked at my not so surprised face.

"Looks like our Y/N knew a little something already. I know you are smart kid so think wisely. If you pretend like nothing happened and just walk out with your mouth shut, I promise to let you live" he said making me smile.

"I'll shut my mouth but I guess the evidence won't" I spoke but he remained calm.

"Aish Y/N.. I knew something like this would happen. Do you think I'm that stupid?" He replied making my smiled fade away.

He clapped his hands and the monitor in the room switched on making my eyes go wide "N-Namjoon Oppa!!" I yelled after seeing my brother tied up.

Blood was all over his forehead making my nerve crack "What have you done to my brother?" I shouted. He sushed me and spoke "Looks like my son did an excellent Job!"

"Y-your son? Taehyung is rig-" "Thanks for your appreciation Father" a familiar voice spoke and came to view on the screen. I gasped at the person I saw "Jin?"

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