Chapter 9 ⟭⟬

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All of a sudden the door opened making me sit up. "Y/N? Is that you?" I asked and peeped but she wasn't there.

"Were you expecting someone else Jungkookah?" A male voice spoke making my eyes go wide.

He took slow steps towards me making my hands shake in fear "Looks like you're doing fine even after killing your whole family? Hm.. what more can I expect from you, Afterall... you are a RUTHLESS MURDER!" he yelled.

"NO!!!" I Shouted and covered my face as tears kept streaming down my face.


"Okay Oppa, I'll try to come back home on the weekend" "No trying Y/Nah! You have to come! It's been such a long time since we had a family get-together" My brother kept compelling me to come home.

"Okay fine.. I'll come" I said making my brother rejoice "Yay, Okay lil sis! I'll see you on the weekend and get back home safely after work. Call me if you need anything. Bye" "Bye.." I said and cut the call.

"I should get going now, my keys are- *gasp* It's in the food bag I bought for Jungkook!" I said to myself in shock and decided to head to his cell. I was walking towards his door and suddenly I heard him screaming.

I rushed and placed my ID on the scanner making the door open. "Jungkook?" I spoke and saw him crying out loudly while covering his face.

I gasped and ran towards him "Jungkook! What happened? Are you-" but I stopped talking as I felt a strong pair of arms around my waist "Y/N.. H- he's here.. he's here to-" he kept stuttering and cried on me while his whole body was literally shaking.

"Shh shh.. calm down Jungkook, it's okay.. shhh" I said and tried to calm him down. After his cries went down and body became stable, I lifted his face with my hand making our eyes meet.

His face radiated due to the moonlight as I observed his pink nose and his glossy eyes which made contact with mine "What happened Jungkook?" I asked. "He's here Y/N.. I'm scared.." he said and hugged me tighter.

"Who is it? No one is here Jungkook.. look" I said and switched on the lights. He slowly lifted his head and looked around but he still didn't seem convinced.

"Let's do one thing, you stay here.. I'll go and check it once more for you" I said and was about to leave. "Don't leave me... Please.." he spoke in a low voice and tighten the grip around my waist.

"I think he must have had a nightmare" I told myself and rubbed the his shoulder softly. "I'll stay next to you till you fall asleep.. alright?" I asked and he agreed.

He didn't want to let go of me so he held my hand while sleeping. I noticed that he fell asleep so I tried to remove my hand from his grip but that stong ass human pulled my whole body onto him making me fall on his muscled chest.

I was literally stranded between his arms like I was some doll for him. I tried hard to break free but I eventually failed and fell asleep due to the tiredness.

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