Chapter 7 ⟭⟬

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Suddenly I heard the emergency alarm ringing from the ground floor making my eyes go wide "This doesn't seem fine, Did he perhaps... No! Jungkook!!!" "What?" "AAAHH!" I shouted in shock as I saw him coming out of the restroom.

"Jungkook! Ahh Thank Goodness, I thought you- " "Thought what?" "I.. thought you w-went to sleep! Yes! Sleep" I said and smiled nervously but stopped when I saw him

"Did you.. cut your hair?" I asked and he nodded. I couldn't take my eyes off his mesmerizing face as I could see it clearly now. His hair was cut properly and good heavens... he looked like a living sculpture.

"Why are you looking at me like this..?" Jungkook asked making me whoosh back to reality "huh? Ah.. nothing. Wait for me, I'll be right back" I said and rushed outside.

"Woah, his jaw line is sharp enough to rip my soul.. huh? Y/N what hell! Get back to your sense! And.. why did the alarm ring?" I asked myself and went down since I left the food I bought for Jungkook in my cabin.

I was walking and suddenly I bumped into Dr.Park "I'm sor-" "it's alright" he said and ran away ungently. "Oh, the alarm went off.." I told myself and went to grab the food.

"Jungkook, come and sit here" I said and sat on the interrogation table making him sigh "I'm not gonna answer th-" "tada! I bought you some food, have it" I said and passed him a pair of chopsticks.

He looked at the food like he had never seen it before. He took a bite and suddenly started to stuff his mouth "Jungkook eat slowly! You'll get choked!" I said but he was too lost to even listen.

He was eating like a big baby and had food drooling over his lips making me smile. He finished the food and got himself cleaned. I asked "Did you like it?" "Yes.. I've never had anything like this in years.. the last time I remember having a meal like this was.. w-with my f-family... I- ah. I-" He grabbed his hair with his fist while stuttering badly.

"Jungkook calm down! It's okay-" "NO IT'S NOT OKAY! I RUINED IT! I RUINED IT ALL!!!" he shouted as tears were threating to fall.

"AAAGGH" he shouted and was about to bang his already bruised hand "Jungkook no!" I said and held his hand but he was so strong that the force made me fall harshly on the floor.

"Ahh.." I groaned in pain making his realisation hit "Y-Y/N" he called out with wide eyes. He quickly lifted me up from the ground and made me sit on his bed. He kept apologizing non stop "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I'm sor-" "hey, it's ok.. I'm not that hurt" I said and smiled softly while his eyes were filled with guilt and regret.

"I'm sorry I couldn't control my anger.. I just can't seem to" he said and hung his head low. "Jungkook don't be sad, that's why I'm here. I'm here to help you out" I said and lifted his chin making him look at me.

He slowly nodded his head as in yes but I could sense that he was still a bit shaken up. "It's really late now, I'll get going and before that, I'll have to put on the cuffs again.." I said and stood up.

He agreed and brought his hand at the front making me feel guilty. I cuffed him again and spoke "I'll take these off again tomorrow when I come. Try to get some sleep" "okay" he replied making me smile at him.

"Y/N wait.." he said making me stop "What is it jungkook?" "Can you s- ah... nothing" he said and layed on the bed facing the other side. I sighed and pulled the bedsheet properly over him before leaving.

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