Chapter 21 ⟭⟬

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"J-Jungkookah..?" Taehyung called out and spoke "I only tried to p-protect you, please listen to me once-" "Shut up!!" jungkook shouted and was about to land another puch but I came in between making him stop "Please Koo"

I said with a trembling voice. "Agghh" Jungkook shouted in frustration and let go of Taehyung's collar.

I spoke "Listen to what he has to say.. mabey-" "Let's go home" he said and I understood that this was not the right time to talk about anything.

"Fine, let's leave" I said as Jungkook bid goodbye to my shocked parents and didn't even throw a glace at Taehyung.
I made him sit in the car and went back inside

"Mom, dad.. I'm sorry for what happened. I'll explain everything later and Taehyung.. I think we need to talk. I'll call you when the time is right" I said and took his phone Number.

Jungkook and I reached home "Koo, go and take a shower.. just forget about what happened hm? I love you" I said and kissed his cheeks.

I was about to walk to the kitchen "He was my best friend" he spoke making stop on my track.

"I had an accident when I was 8 years old and Taehyung was the one who rescued me. Due to the impact, I lost my memories so he did everything possible to return me back to my family and since then.. he became my best friend.

He was the one who introduced me to Jimin and Yoongi Hyung and we all became really close. Everyone in school would avoid me because of my anger issues but they stood by me till the very end. Everything was fine until..."

{ Flash back }


It was few days after I was brought to the cell "Please let me out, I need to see my friends!!!" I pleaded continuously and the man with the mask who called me a monster entered "Now what do you want boy?" He asked.

"Sir please, I didn't kill my family.. I couldn't have done it!" I spoke making him scoff "Says the one who stood there with a blooded knife and dead bodies around him" he said making my blood boil

"No!! They were badly bleeding but mom and hyung were still breathing! I didn't stab them! My-" "What proof do you have to prove yourself innocent? Did you have any witness with you that night? No righ-" "I do" I said making his eyes go wide "What?"

"My friend Taehyung was there with me! He'll prove my innocence! Please, I wanna see him" I begged and he agreed

"Fine, he'll be summoned tomorrow infront of the secret committee. What was his name again?" "Kim Taehyung, my best friend" I replied.

I was lying down on the lonely cell while sobbing hard because I missed my family and my friends but suddenly I heard the door getting unlocked.

I quickly wiped my tears and pretended to sleep "Jungkookah" I heard a whisper making me shoot my head up.

"T- Taehyung?" I called out in shock and ran towards him engulfing him tightly "Taehyungah t-they are saying that I- I killed Omma and Hyung..

I don't remember anything at all saw it right? Please tell me.. I- I didn't-" "Calm down Jungkookah.. First take a deep breath" He said and I did.

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