Chapter 28 ⟭⟬

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Suddenly the door opened and he stopped hitting me making me catch a breath for a minute. "Y-Y/N?" Taehyung said as my  head shot up "L-love?" I called out as I tried to see properly with my bloodshot eyes.

"Mmm!" She screamed in a muffling tone making my heart race "LET HER FUCKING GO!" I shouted with the little energy I had.

They tied up Y/N to a chair facing me and he removed the plaster from her mouth making her cough.


"You want some water?" The middle aged man asked after seeing me cough "What have you done to Jungkook!" I shouted and began to cry after seeing my boyfriend's messed up state.

"Worry about yourself first" he said and kept a cup of water next to my mouth but I pushed it with my face making the water spill on him.

"You bitch" he said and slapped my face making Jungkook shout in anger.
"Just let her go! she doesn't know anything!" Taehyung pleaded but was ignored.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I asked and the man spoke "Curious huh? Well let me get to the point, I want Jungkook dead." He said making my eyes go wide

"But why?" I asked and he said "Because as long as he lives, the more dangerous it becomes for me. He's a threat-" "A threat to your goal" I spoke making him nod.

"Seems like you found something that even Jungkook doesn't know about.. am I right?" He questioned me and I smiled "You're right.. Jungkook's family are still alive
aren't they?" I asked making the man's smirk disappear "W-what?"

"Confused much? I'm talking about the family who are assumed to be killed by Jungkook and the family that doesn't know he excist, I mean.. the one you hid jungkook from to inherit the tremendous wealth.. am I right?" I spoke making his eyes go wide.

"H-how did yo-" "What? M-my family.. They're alive?" Jungkook asked making me nod vigorously. "They are! And not only that, your real-" "SHUT UP!" The man screamed and slapped me hard on the face making the corner of my lips bleed.

Jungkook was vigorously trying to break free and I noticed that his wrists were bleeding because of that.
"I'm gonna expose you, your game is over" I said making him raise his hand once again but was stopped by Taehyung.

"Please don't, just let her go! Please Father!" He said making mine and Jungkook's eyes go wide.. "Father?"
"Wrong move son" he said and kicked Taehyung right in his stomach making him fall badly and groan in pain "Taehyung!" I yelled in shock.

"So.. Y/N, Jungkook... Any last wishes?" He questioned and pulled out a gun.


I walked into my cabin "Hey- where's Y/N?" I asked and Jimin said "I'm trying to reach but her phone is switched off, it's been a while now" he said.

"Where did she go?" I asked and Jin said "She wanted to buy peanuts in the store" "What the- Peanuts? This doesn't make sense" I spoke making their eyebrows scrunch "Why?"

"Because she's allergic to them- oh fuck no, Jin Hyung get the car! Let's go look for Y/N. Jimin, you search around here and Yoongi Hyung, you'll have to go to this place" I said and gave him a location as I  headed out quickly. "Where are you Y/Nah.."

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