Chapter 10 ⟭⟬

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The next day I woke up as our faces were just an inch away. I don't know for how long I stared at his beautiful face shamelessly "Take a picture, you can see it whenever you want" he spoke making my eyes go wide and I quickly got up making him chuckle.

"Thanks Y/N.. I slept well after a really long time.." he said and smiled softly making my poor heart weak "You're welcome.. hehe" I said looked at my watch making me gasp

"Oh no! It's past 10! I'll have to go and put down my entry. I'll leave now" I said and walked towards the exit.

"Y/N... You'll... Come back to me right?" He asked with his doe eyes. "Ofcourse Jungkook, I'll come back to you" I said and smiled before leaving. I was going towards the front table and what jungkook asked me kept running in my mind..

"Did he just say that he wants me to come back to him... Oh my god.. Y/N stop imagining things or you'll end up getting disappointed!!" I warned myself but I just couldn't stop smiling like an idiot.

After that I went to my cabin and opened Jungkook's record entry which had to be submitted to the Cheif.

"All I found out was his name.. what am I supposed to write on the record? That I slept next to him and brought him food? They'll probably throw me out of here" I told myself as I kept breaking my head to somehow make him open up to me.

I heard knocks "Excuse me Doctor Kim?" "Come in" I said revealing doctor Park. "Hey, I just wanted to check up on you. I didn't get any chance to speak to you properly" he said as I agreed

"Thanks for stopping by, Yea.. it was really hectic. What brings you here?" I asked and he replied "Nothing much actually, I just got over with my shift do I'll be heading home now. Do you want to join me for some coffee?"

"I'll be starting my next shift in two hours, I guess we can go!" I told. "Great, I know a really good cafe down 2 streets. Let's go in my car and I'll drop you before your shift" he said making me agree.

We both sat in the cafe and I ordered some cupcakes for Jungkook along with our coffees. "So tell me Doctor Kim, how is work?" He asked as he sipped his drink "Actually, everyone were against me when I told them that I was gonna work in an asylum but deep down.. I wanted to take this job. I'm actually happy that I came here or eles I wouldn't have met him" I said and smiled.

"Him?" He questioned me "Ah.. n- nothing!" I said and sipped my coffee. I asked him if we could leave because I'd be late for work and I told him to go to the car while I went to collect the cupcakes.

We both kept driving and I noticed that he was driving towards a different direction "ah.. doctor park, I think you're going in the wrong way" I said "yea, I have a small work nearby.. don't worry! I'll take you to the right destination" he spoke and pressed the accelerator making my coffee spill on his shirt.

"Oh no! I'm sorry!" I apologized and was about to open the dashbox to take out the tissues but he quickly shoved my hand and closed it. "What are you doing!" He yelled startling me "I- I just wanted to get some tissues... I'm sorry.." I said and he just nodded his head.

There was an awkward silence between us and he started asking random questions about my patient to break the ice and even I kept answering them.

"It's must be hard for you to communicate because of Jungkook's bad temper. How are you handling him?" He asked

"Hm.. he does have quite a temper but he's a nic- wait.. How do you know his name? I never mentioned it.." I said in shock and suddenly I felt a prick on my hand. "Hush hush, Sleep tight honey"....

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