Chapter 11 ⟭⟬

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I squint my eyes open in an unfamiliar place with my hands and legs tied up to a chair. "Where the hell am I? Let me go!" I shouted and a man walked in "Oh, you're finally awake. Shall we get straight to the point?" He asked with a smirk.

"What do you want and why am I here?" I questioned "Because you know things that you shouldn't know about.." he said making me confused "What do you mean?"

"Jungkook.. you know his name and you seem to succeed in gathering information about him, am I right Doctor Kim?" He said "What? Listen, don't you dare drag Jungkook into any of your dirty work! I won't spare you if anything happens to him!" I spoke in anger gaining a scoff from him

"You won't spare me? I AM SUPPOSED TO SAY ALL THAT TO YOU!" he shouted back and kicked the chair in anger making me fall to the ground. "Aghh" I groaned in pain making his eyes go wide.

"I-.. I didn't mean to push you but you deserve it for trying to ruin Jungkook's life!" He said making my eyes go wide "What? I'm ruining his life? I'm only trying to save him!" I rebelled back making his eyes fill with confusion "What are you saying?Aren't you the daughter of Kims corporate?" He asked.

"If I was her then why the hell would I work my ass off for a freaking job!?" I spat making his jaw drop. "I'm really sorry! Shit I fucked up" he murmured and lifted me from the floor.

He also released my tied up hands and legs "Drink some water first.." he said with guilt and passed me some water.

"Who are you and how do you know Jungkook?" I asked and he said "Jungkook and I are best friends, listen doctor Kim... I know that I might sound crazy but Jungkook is not what you think! He is a really nice person and-" "I know.. I can see it.. I don't think hurting other people is his intention. He's just really scared and terrified all the time, I feel really sorry for him" I spoke and hung my head low.

"I'm glad atleast you are believing Jungkook and I need to find the person behind all this.. Can you help me?" He asked

"Ofcourse I will, that's what I'm trying to do. I saw a file in our senior's office which had Jungkook's records. I think we'll get a lead if we take it" I said making him nod in agreement.

"What's your name?" I asked and he said "I'm Park Jimin, you call me Jimin and how may I address you?" "You can call me Y/N, Jimin" I said and smiled receiving a warm smile from him.

"I need to go now! I'm already late!" I yelled and he immediately took me back to the asylum. "I'll be off work for the following week and you can call me anytime" he said and gave my his number.

"Ok Jimin, I'll see you l- ah.." I said and held my head as it started to hurt all of a sudden. "I think it's because of the fall.. I'm really sorry Y/N" Jimin apologized with guilt.

"It's alright, I'll g-get going now" I said and left."Gosh, why does it hurt like crap!" I spoke to myself and kept walking but I stopped when I heard stef calling me "Hey, doctor Kim!"

"Hey" "Why do you look like someone banged your head on the floor?" She asked and I replied "Wow, You're right though" making her eyes go wide.

"I-.. ah.. A new doctor has come in today and she'll be assigned to the left wing. I have no idea why such s pretty doctor came to work in an asylum.. and are you alright?" Stef spoke making wonder who the new doctor is..

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