Chapter 16 ⟭⟬

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"It's not safe to go to hospitals now" he spoke and I said "Ah.. my house! I'm a doctor and I have medical kits. I'll be able to treat him".

He immediately agreed and followed my directions to my appartment. We made Jungkook lay on my bed and I opened up the coat.

Oh Lord he was bleeding from every corner! I grabbed my medical kit and disinfected his wounds. I finished up the cleaning and dressed his wounds accordingly.

"I'll go get some clothes for Jungkook" Yoongi oppa said. "I have some of my brother's clothes. I'll bring them" I said and he nodded. I brought the clothes but Yoongi oppa was not there.

I was about to call him but he texted me saying that he needs to go and bring Jimin back. I had a tough time changing Jungkook's clothes but I somehow did it without waking him up.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all this because of me.. I shouldn't have left you alone, I'm sorry" I said and sniffed. Jungkook suddenly started to move uncomfortably while murmuring something "!" He shouted and got up startling me.

His eyes looked around with fear and glistened when he saw me. He pulled me towards him making out bodies crash "Aghh" he winced in pain but didn't let go of me "Jungkook you're hurt! Don't-" "Thank God" he said making me stop "Thank god you're safe" he said and hugged me tighter.

I burst out in tears scaring him "W-why are you crying! Are you-" "I thought something might happen to you!" I said and cried loudly. "See nothing happened to me, I'm fine Y/N. Really!" He said cheerfully and tried to smile through the pain making me cry even more louder.

"Shh shh please don't cry" He said and wiped my tears making me sniff my nose. "Cute" he whispered "What?" I asked "Nothing, I- Where is Jimin and I'm n-not in a cell.. what is this place?" He asked.

I got up, wiped my tears and took a deep breath "Welcome to my house~" I said dramatically making him giggle.

"I've never been outside that hell hole for years..." He said with a sad smile "It's gonna change now, I'm gonna keep you safe. I promise" I said making him show his beautiful smile.

Suddenly what he said came across my mind "Agh.. Jungkook, ah- What did you mean by.. I'm yours..?" I asked and he looked at me with confusion.

"I mean- you said that back there-it's ok! Just forgemmhh" I got cut off when he pulled me to the bed and crashed his lips on mine. "This is what I meant. You're mine, only mine" He said and kissed me again making my poor heart explode.

He broke off the kiss and pecked my nose while smiling like a cute baby bunny. I literally froze on the spot till I heard the door bell. "Ah- I- I actually- ahh need to open the door.. I'll b-be right back.. hehe" I said and banged my leg on the table.

"Aish! I'm fine! I'm great!" I said and ran towards the door clumsily like nothing happened making him giggle again. "Calm your heart Y/N, don't die with a heart attack.. you can't die single" I told myself and peeped through the peep hole.

"Huh? No one is there.." I told myself and was about to go but I heard knocks. "Who is it?" I asked but I got no reply. I slowly opened the door and looked.

Someone was standing with a mask on and he pushed his way through the door making me gasp! "W-who are you?!"

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