Chapter 8 ⟭⟬

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I heard the door shut denoting Y/N left. I sighed and sat up while looking at my hands and legs locked up again. The way I made Y/N fall and hurted her kept running in my mind.

"Why did I do that, why can't control my anger.. I could have hurt her badly.. what if she starts hating me like how everyone else did.. WHY AM I LIKE THIS?" I kept questioning myself non stop.

"What if she hates me to the extent that she won't show up ever again?" I asked myself as fear and guilt took over my nerves.

I layed on bed as my thought were filled with the vauge memories few years ago. The day I ruined everything with my own hands.

{ Flash back }

"Son!! Drop the knife! Please!!" My father screamed as I stood there holding a knife  while my body trembled. My mother and my brother were on the floor as blood kept dripping from their bodies and they were crying in pain

"A-appa... O-omma and Hyung- appa... I-" "Jungkookah, drop the knife son. You'll listen to your appa right?" Dad asked calmly with fear evident in his eyes.

I ran towards him with a knife in my hand and I could only hear loud screams before everything went black. I woke up in an unfamiliar place with my hands cuffed to the bed support.

"What's happening! Let me go!! Omma.. OMMA!! Where is my family!!" I yelled as I pulled the cuffs vigorously trying to break free. "Enough! Don't you dare make another noice!" A man spoke as he entered the room.

I asked "Why am I here! I need go back home! My family-" "Your Family? Ahh.. You mean those innocent people you killed? Their dead bodies were buried on the day they died which was 3 days ago."

He spoke making me eye go wide "D-died? No... THEY COULDN'T HAVE!" "YES THEY DID AND YOU KILLED THEM YOU MONSTER!" He shouted to my face making my insides stir up.

"NO!!!!' I screamed back and broke the cuff off my hand grabbing his neck. "Y-you see.. t-this is what y-you are.. a- a murderer" he stuttered making me loose the grip I had on him.

He coughed badly while trying to catch his breath. "Ahh" I felt prick on my neck and my vision kept getting dimmer. "Remember what you did.. you ruthlessly murdered your own family. Think about what you we're doing on that day, you'll figure out who you are" he scoffed and kicked my leg.

"That day.. yes, I- I held the knife in my hand and....I can remember blood stains all over the floor. I remember my family pleading me to drop the knife... I-.. I killed them" I told myself as I lost concious once again.

{ Present }

"And now here I am.. paying the price for my sins, But... why does my heart feel hurt rather than guilt?" I spoke to myself and sighed.

All of a sudden The door opened making me sit up. "Y/N? Is that you?" I asked and...

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