Chapter 6 ⟭⟬

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I attended a few patients, went on my daily rounds and finished my shift. "hey Doctor Kim, wanna grab dinner?" Steff asked and I agreed. "Just call me Y/N when we are off work" I said making her smile.

I kept fiddling with my food and stef noticed it "What's wrong Y/N?" "They don't even give him proper food, he looks weak and tiered.." I said.

"Who?" "They treat him like an animal, his hands and legs were bruised badly and even the place he lives in looks shabby with a single bed, and an interrogation table with two chairs. It's huge yet suffocating. And Over all that.. I made him really angry today." I said and hung my head low.

Stef asked "Who are you talking about?" "Jungkook.." "Your boyfriend?" She asked "The patient from cell 007" I told making her eyes go wide "So his name is Jungkook?"

"Yea, but please don't tell anyone till I make a proper record" I said making her nod in agreement. I spoke "I feel really bad for him Stef, he's been treated worse than a prisoner. A hospital should cure people, not make them even worse."

"I agree Y/N, did you find out anything about him?" She asked and I said "No, I was about to but he got really angry. He also said that someone wanted him dead.. I don't know who he is talking about. I need to somehow find out who jungkook is referring to. Today I snuck inside the senior doctor office-" "YOU DID WHAT?" Stef yelled and I had to hush her down.

"Shhh! Don't yell!" I whispered and she whispered back "how the hell can I keep quite when you give me a heart attack every minute!"

"Okay now listen! I went inside his office and found a Record book of cell 007.. Didn't they say that they had no records? I was about to open it but someone came inside to clean the room. You know what, I'm gonna take some food for jungkook because I have a night shift in the E.R today" I said.

"Ahm.. food for jungkook I see, you'd make such a good girlfriend~" Stef teased me "Girlfriend!! Yah! Stop with your wild imagination, I'm his doctor!" I said making her laugh.

"But Y/N, why did you go to the senior doctor's office?" She asked and I replied "I went there to find the keys to unlock Jungkook's hands and legs from the cuffs- Stef? Stef are you ok?" I asked because she literally froze in her spot with half the noodles stuffed in her mouth.

"Wait... T-the cuffs! I didn't lock it again! Shit!" I said and ran away with the food I packed for jungkook. "God please help me!" I kept praying because I'd be dead if anything bad happened.

"What if he tried to break free or- Y/N stop thinking negatively! Nothing would have happened!" I told myself and ran into the asylum.

I pressed the elevator button to the 7th floor after taking the access card from my cabin and impatiently rushed towards Jungkook's cell.

The cell door opened "Jungkook?" I called out but I got no response. My eyes wandered everywhere but he was not in the room! I walked towards the metal chains and all the clamps were wide open.

Suddenly I heard the emergency alarm ringing from the ground floor making my eyes go wide. "This doesn't seem fine, Did he perhaps... No! Jungkook!!!"

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