Chapter 22 ⟭⟬

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"Jungkook, I'm gonna do everything possible to keep you safe.. alright? I've been called as your witness to prove your innocence.

I'll come here tomorrow and say everything I saw okay? Just trust me. I'm gonna get you out of here" He said and smiled making me smile wide.

"And Tae.. what about Mom and Hyung? Where are they? They are fine right? Where is dad?" I bombarded questions

"I'll tell you everything, don't worry too much.. let's first focus on getting you out" he said with a reassuring smile making me feel a bit relived.

"Thanks a lot Tae, what would I have done without you" I said and he slapped my head playfully like he always does "Don't get too sentimental you coconut head, I'm only doing all this because it's boring without you" he said

"Boring my ass" I mocked and bit his  finger making him yelp. "Aghh" he whisper yelled and acted dramatically like his whole finger fell off making me burst into fits of laughter.

"Jungkookah.. I love you bro" he said and I showed him my middle finger making him throw an fake offensive look "yah, you disrespectful punk!" He yelled softly making me laugh again as he laughed along.

"Okay Jungkookah, I'll get going now.. we'll be in trouble if we get caught. Yoongi Hyung and Jimin are worried sick about you so get out of this mess asap and let's go back to how we were okay?" Taehyung spoke making me nod with confidence.

"Alright.. Bye I love you little Jungkookie~" Tae said "Yahh!!" I warned him.

"Whattt!! Say it back~" he whined like a 3 year old "Ok fine!! I love you too.." I said in a low voice as he showed me his boxy smile and ruffled my hair.

Taehyung left and I layed on my bed with full of hope "I can't wait to go back home" I spoke to myself and smiled.

Next day, I was seated infront of the secret committee, "You may begin" they announced and the door revealed the grey masked man and Tae.

I smiled at him with excitement but Taehyung didn't even turn towards me making me pout but I couldn't contain my smile.

"Where you the only eye witness present in the night of the incident?" the man asked and Tae replied "Yes sir". "Did the accused kill his own family?" He questioned. ".... Yes sir."

He replied making my smile fade "T-taehyunga.. W-what are you saying? I-" "Elaborate" the man asked and Taehyung spoke "I was in his house with him when he g-got into an argument with his dad.. He got really angry and grabbed a knife from the counter to stab him but, his mother and brother tried to stop him so... he.. k-killed his-"

"NOOO!! I COULDN'T HAVE DONE IT! TAE WHAT ARE YOU SAYING! YOU KNOW WHAT REALLY HAPPENED! I-" "Y-you were covered in your own family's b-blood... you k-killed them..." Taehyung spoke making my breath hitch.

"It has been concluded that the patient suffers from Psychopathy and is Temperamental" they announced and before I could speak, they injected something and my body started to feel numb.

"Take him away" the man said and the last thing I saw before everything thing went blank was Taehyung standing infront of me with teary eyes. "Why did you betray me Taehyungah?.. Why?"

After what he did, I completely lost myself. I accepted myself as the 'Monster' who killed his family so, without realising.. I started to become one.

I can't say anything because I don't remember anything but it wasn't completely my fault Y/N, It was Taehyung-....

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