Chapter 34 (Final) ⟭⟬

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{ Few weeks later }


"Love, Are we expecting someone?" I asked as I saw Y/N arranging the dinning table "Yes! *Ding dong* I think they're here!" She squealed in excitement making me giggle at her cuteness and she ran down to open the door.

"Jungkookie" I heard a voice making my eyes go wide. I turned around and saw my Omma and Hoseok Hyung.

I ran and hugged them while bawling my eyes out as the two of them did the same "I thought I lost you guys" I said and cried, Suddenly I broke the hug and asked "W-what about.. Appa? Did I-.." "No, he's alright! But.. he said that he couldn't face you right now" Hoseok Hyung said making me sigh in relief.

"It's alright, I'll come and see him myself. I'm so glad that you guys are okay, how did you find me?" I asked "Y/N brought us here" Omma replied as I mouthed "Thank you Love" making Y/N smile.

"Come I'll introduce you to my Mom and Dad" I said and their reaction change "I'm sorry for not telling you.. I thought you'll leave us" Omma said making my eyes soften

"You, Hyung and Appa will always be my family no matter what.. I love you guys so much" I said making Omma caress my head with love.

I Introduced my family to Mom and dad, it was amazing. Even Y/N's family, Jimin and Yoongi Hyung came along with Jin. All the people I loved were right infront of my eyes except... Tae.


Everyone were having a great time and I noticed the sadness in Jungkook's eyes. I'm sure that it's because Taehyung was missing.

Right after Taehyung brought me to Jungkook's house from the hospital on that day.. he disappeared. And after Mr.Kim was imprisoned, the next day we got a news that Stef passed away in a traffic accident when she was being transferred to the prison.

We attended her funeral and even for that Tae didn't show up. We are trying everything possible to find him. "It's okay koo, we'll get him back" I said and hugged him.

He kissed my forehead and nodded in agreement. We all had dinner together and the whole room was filled with chattering and laughter.

"So, when are you guys planning to get married?" Mrs. Jeon asked making Jungkook's face turn red. "Who doesn't wanna marry this hot mess? I'm sooo ready haha" I said and realised that... I fucked up.

I spoke my mind voice out loud- Everyone looked at me with wide eyes and Mr.Jeon cleared his throat saying "You're bold just like Jungkook's mom, wow" making everyone laugh uncontrollably.

My face turned to a deep shade of crimson.Then Jungkook signalled me to come to the kitchen and I did.
"I'm a hot mess huh?" He teased making me hit his chest playfully.

"Y/N.. in the beginning I've hurted you, tormented you and made you cry a lot so.. why did you choose me?" He asked. "Well I pick my poison and it's you" I said and kissed his lips where I could feel him smiling through the kiss.

Once again our streamy make out session was interrupted by my phone. Jungkook whined like a kid as I broke the kiss making me laugh. "Hello?"
"Y/Nah.. how are you?" The person asked making me realise who it was

"Ta-" "Don't tell anyone that I called, Atleast not yet. Now listen carefully, my father has disappeared from the prison and I need ya'll to be careful. He thinks that Jungkook is the reason-" *beep* "Hello!!??" The phone got cut.

"What's wrong love?" He asked. "N-Nothing babe.. let's go, they'll be waiting" I said and we walked out. "I'm gonna love him till the end..."


So.... Does anybody want a Season 2?

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