Chapter 4 ⟭⟬

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He looked absolutely handsome. His eyes, his lips, his features.. everything looked picture perfect. He had a less visible scar in his left cheek.

I placed my thumb and traced along the scar but I stopped when he gripped my hand all of a sudden. I gasped and saw his face while he saw me with his confused yet curious eyes.

Before I could even realise, I was pulled down with him hovering above me.
With wide eyes I asked "W-what are doing!" and he replied "He sent you.. didn't he?"

"What? Who are you talkin-" "I KNOW HE DID!" He screamed to my face making me close my eyes in fear. The grip he had on my hands started to hurt "P-please let go.. it hurts" I said with a trembling voice.

Tears started to flow from my eyes making him let go of me immediately. I quickly got up and he said "Get away from me if you want to live" "No.." I replied making his head shoot up "What?"

"I'm not gonna go away from you.." I said and lowered my head making him scoff "I'm not even a human, I'm a beast. Do you still dare to be around me?" He asked in a stern way making my insides shiver.

"Yes" I simply replied. "Why?? WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?" He shouted. "You" I said making his
eyes go wide "huh?" "I mean.. ah- I- I want to take care of you. I'm appointed as your new care taker" I said and mentally scolded myself for my lame reason.

"You're definitely gonna regret this" He said "W-what's your name?" I asked and he remained quite. "Okay fine.. Let's Play a game. Everyday when we meet, I'll ask you one question and in return for that.. you can ask me one wish" I said and expected him to ignore me "How can I believe you" he asked "here, let's make a pinky promise and... Seal!" I said and smiled.

"Your hair looks long,we have to cut it down" I told and touched his hair but he pushed my hand harshly making me hiss. "Don't touch me without my permission!" He yelled in anger
"O-okay" I said in fear.

"I- I'll see you tomorrow.. can you tell me your name?" I asked but he didn't say anything making me pout "Bye.." I said and was about to leave but "wait" he said making me stop.

"Jungkook" he said making my eyes go wide "My name.. is Jungkook" "did he just say his name to me! Aghh!!" I exclaimed to myself. "Now, it's my turn" "Huh?" "You have to grant me a wish" he said making me nod my head in agreement.

"Take these off me" he said and pointed towards him. "Y- y- your clothes? Yah! Pervert!" I said with widened eyes. "I'm talking about the chain clamp.. it's painful" he said making me feel bad "Ah.. oh.. Wait what? No! You know I can't do that"

"Deal Is deal princess" he said making me my cheeks go red "huh.. ah o-ok fine.. I'll some how bring the keys tomorrow, b-bye" I said and quickly walked outside the room. "Hm.. at least I got to know his name" I said to myself and went down.

The next day I went inside my senior's room to find the keys. "Cell 007! I got it!" I said and was about to leave but I stopped when I saw a red file which had a label 'CELL 007 RECORDS'

"didn't they say that they had no record of him?" I asked my self and was about to open it "What are you doing in here?" A voice spoke from behind making me stop my actions. "Oh hell no... I'm screwed!"

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