Chapter 27 ⟭⟬

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"Drag that girl Y/N to me" He said making my eye go wide "Y-Y/N? No!! Don't you dare lay your finger on my girlfriend" I shouted making him turn towards me.

"Two guys who are willing to risk everything for the same girl, how wonderful is that" he said and smirked.

"Before we get to the main part, how about I have a little 'warm up' with your face which reminds me of him" the man spoke and injected the syringe in me.

I screamed as the reaction begun. Taehyung's eyes went wide as he started to beg to let me go "Please! no! Don't do this!"

"Taehyungah, I want you to watch what I do to your dear friend and learn a lesson from this" he said and smirked.


We went to station and scanned Jungkook's family picture in the registry of the deceased. It took a really long time so we were waiting inside Oppa's cabinet.

Suddenly the door opened revealing a tall, handsome guy "What are you all doing here?" He questioned. "I'm detective Namjoon's younger sister and these are my friends ,Oppa told us to wait till he's back" I replied.

"Oh! Then You must be Y/N! Hey I'm Seokjin and I work with your brother" he said and I smiled back. "Namjoon asked me for some details about a family and..." He told me everything from a to z.

"Thanks a lot Detective Seokjin, I owe you one" "It's my duty Y/N" he replied. We were talking and all of a  sudden a message popped up "Don't react anything. If you want to find Jungkook, walk outside the station and pick up the blue bag on top of the vending machine".

I tried hard not to react and got up walking towards the door "where are you going Y/N?" Jimin asked "I-.. I'm going to the grocery store to buy peanuts. I'll be back soon" I said

"You stay, I'll go-" "No! I'll go by myself, bye guys" I cut Yoongi oppa off and quickly ran outside to the vending machine.

I took the bag and it had a cell phone inside "Switch on this phone and walk towards lane 5 after switching off your mobile phone. Don't try to act smart if you want to see him alive" the message said and I obeyed everything out of fear.

Suddenly the phone rang and I picked up the call "Hey Doctor Kim~" "Stef.. where is Jungkook?" "Have some patients Y/N, we'll bring you to him" she said making me confused.

"Bring me t- mmh mhh" I got muffled when someone pressed a cloth to my mouth and dragged me inside a huge van. I tried fighting back but they tied me up completely and plastered my mouth.

One of the men's phone rang but I couldn't see as my eyes were blindfolded "We got her boss, what's next?"


I was beaten up to a point where I couldn't even feel pain anymore. My whole body was covered with blood clots and cuts.

"Why aren't you screaming and begging for mercy you bastard!!" He screamed at my face.

I spat the blood from my mouth "i-if that's what Y-you want.. you won't g-get it" I said making his eyes burn in rage "What? Do you have a death wish?" He smirked.

"I'll die anyway so, I pick my poison" I replied making him look at me with disbelief "YOU BRAT!" he yelled and started to trash me again mercilessly while Taehyung kept crying and pleading him to let me go.

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