Chapter 32 ⟭⟬

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"LET ME OUT! Y/N!!" I shouted and bagged the door vigorously. "AAGGHH" I Shouted and threw every thing making the glass pieces crumble around me.

I punched the mirror making the sharp edge cut through and bleed. The blood reminded me of how Y/N's neck was covered in blood making my eyes tear up.

"Come to me Love, please!" I shouted in agony and cried. "Hey Koo" a voice called out making my eyes go wide. "Y-Y/N? Love.. is that you?" I asked.

She stood there with a smile and said "It's not your fault Koo" with that.. she vanished as I woke up again..


It's been two weeks since Jungkook came home. He's been locking himself up without eating properly and not getting sleep. His anger issues are worse than I can ever imagine.

He started hurting himself and we are trying everything possible to stop him but nothing seems to work. "Our son has returned back to us after soo many years and I'm afraid that he will do something worse to himself! Please do something honey!" I cried on my husband's shoulder as his eyes turned teary as well.

"Excuse me Sir, Someone is here to meet you" our P.A said and my husband walked down after wiping his tears. "Please Jungkookah, come back to Mom and Dad... Lord, please help us" I prayed.


Not having Y/N by my side drove me crazy. I hurt myself to see if she comes to stop me, I scold my self if I wake up from the dream Y/N comes in and I hate myself for not being able to protect her.

They are saying that she's gone but everyday I'm hoping that she'll come back to me.. am I asking for a lot? "If she can't come.. then I'll go to her" I said and smiled.

I looked around the broken pieces of glass around me and picked up a perfect sharp one. I was about to make the last move but suddenly the door broke open.

"What the hell are you doing!" Namjoon Hyung shouted as my mom and dad gasped "Son put it down!" Dad yelled "I'm sorry, I- I can't do this anymore, I can't live without her" I cried.

"Koo" I heard a familiar voice making me shoot my head up. Y/N stood there beside the door just like in my dream. I've started with the hallucination again.

"Koo, can you please drop it" she said making me nod as in no "You're not real, I'm hallucinating again. I can't live by just looking at you and not being able to hold you. I'm scared that you'll disappear when I wake up" I said and cried making Y/N cry.

"No Koo, I'm real! Hold me babe. See I'm coming to you" She cried out and walked over the glass pieces. She came close to me but I was scared that she'll disappear but it all seemed real.

I took a deep breath and slowly brought my hands to her face and I.. felt her. "Y-Y/N.. is that really you Love?" I asked as she nodded vigorously and hugged me tight making me breakdown.

"I- I thought you left me" I said and sobbed as she cried while smiling.
"Remember, I told you that I'll never leave you. See, I kept my promise" she spoke making me crash my lips on hers.

"Let's get your wounds treated first and then I'll give you cuddles okay?" She said and pecked my nose making me smile through the tears and nod. "Y/N.. I'm not just dreaming... right?"...

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