Chapter 24 ⟭⟬

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"Finally!! My Y/Nie is backkk wait I'll get your favourite Cookie and cream ice cream" he said "Woah! you still remember?" I asked in shock.

"Ofcourse I do" he replied "And get one for Jungkook as well! He like red bea-" "Red bean popsicle" Taehyung said and I nodded. Afterall, even they are.. I mean, they were best friends.

I need to find out what happened and try to fix things between them. Taehyung came back with the icecream and we drove back home because Jungkook would wake up. We sat back on the sofa and Taehyung spoke.

"After extra classes, I was walking Jungkook home as usual. We heard loud noises from his house so we ran in and saw his drunk Dad beating up his mother after bashing up his brother.

Jungkook got really angry so he pushed his father making him fall down. He got enraged and took the knife from the kitchen counter making his Dad beg him to drop the knife. His brother and mother tried to stop him but he was soo caught up in anger that he pushed his brother making him fall on the broken glass and stabbed his mother who came in between.

He ignored all that and stabbed his father and fainted. I went to call for help but everything happened before I came back.. Jungkook is angry at me because I wasn't there to help him. I want to apologise to him.." Taehyung said making me feel terrible.

"I'm sorry for what happened Taehyung.. I will-" *Knock Knock* Someone knocked the door so I went to open it. "Hey Stef" I said and hugged while she hugged me back "Hey Y/N".

I made her sit along with me and Taehyung "Stef, this is Taehyung.. A friend of mine and Jungkook" I introduced but Tae looked a bit concerned.

"Don't worry Taehyungah, she's my bestie and my biggest helper. Things would have been pretty messed up without her help. We can definitely trust her" I said with a reassuring smile making him nod in agreement.

We started to discuss about how to solve the current issue. "Y/N I wanna say something.. Y-" Taehyung spoke but got interrupted by my brother's call.

I asked "Guys, you keep talking, Taehyung can I pick the call first?" "Sure" he replied so I went to the balcony "Yea Oppa" I spoke "Sorry I left, I had an important work.. Omma told me about what happened, Is he okay?" He asked.

"Not exactly.. he's sleeping right now" I said and sighed. "Take care of him.. and Y/Nah, remember you asked me to find out about where they burried Jungkook's family..  I need the family member's consent to access the base. Bring Jungkook and come to my office" Namjoon Oppa said and I agreed.

I went back inside and sat on the Sofa "sorry guys! it was my brother. Taehyungah, what were you saying?" I asked.

"Ah yea, I wanted to ask you.. All this is pretty sensitive... Why do you trust us so much?" "Hmm.. it's because you guys are my best friends. I can Trust you guys as much as I want, Right?" I said and smile making both of them giggle.

"You're right Y/Nie but you know what... You shouldn't have" Taehyung spoke making my smile fade "Huh? What are you sayi-" and before I could complete the front door broke open revealing the men for the Asylum.

"He's inside, go get him" Taehyung said making my eyes go wide "N-no!!!"....

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