Missing Nanny

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Barbara Nelson
Anastasia hasn't came back from the park with Angela our six week old baby. We hired her as soon as we could and she has always been on time getting back from her walks. Today however she isn't answering her phone and we are going to see if we can find her. We decide to call the police. We explain this all to the guy on the phone and I have to tell him what Angela was wearing, I have no idea because Anastasia takes care of Angela and feeds and bathes her like she does everyday. Anastasia is on summer break right now and she lives in for now.
Todd Nelson
Barbara has called me and told me Anastasia and Angela haven't arrived home yet. They were going to the park and were supposed to be back by lunch time. She's called the police and they are on their way, but she can't think of what Angela was wearing or Anastasia either. Anastasia isn't answering her phone. The tracker places her at the park. I now wished I had followed my instincts and hired a bodyguard to go with them to the park.
Policeman Smith
Okay I need to ask questions and get recent photos of your baby and the nanny. Do you think the nanny kidnapped your daughter?
I am certain she wouldn't do that. Here is the photos of Angela and Anastasia. The stroller looks like this. That is our stroller for Angela. Anastasia takes it or the jogging one in this photo. I think her outfit was the little pink bunny one. Plus there's a tracker on the stroller and the diaper bag. We know her phone is still in the park, but the other trackers aren't.
Policeman Duncan
So where are the other trackers? We look at the tracker moving fast and the other is sitting in a place. The one moving fast is the one we need to get to.
I am grabbed and my head is hit, but I save Angela and grab the bag and place her in the stroller once I get clear of whoever hit me in the head. I am running from them, but the stroller is slowing us down. I leave it and run into a parking garage and hide the baby in the diaper bag. In a safe place I grab the tracker from the bag the one in the stroller. I left at the last parking area. I check to see if the guy is there waiting and he is I leave the tracker and diaper bag where nothing can happen to the baby. I start running with the blanket stuffed like I am carrying the baby. He starts chasing me and I am trying to lose him every step of the way. I try to flag down a cop, but I  can't so I hide the blanket with the things in it to make the guy think I placed the baby somewhere else. He finally catches up to me and knocks me out. The tracker is in my shoe and the other one is with Angela. He leaves me behind the dumpsters at a high rise apartment complex. I wake up and crawl my way to the street and can't go any further.
I am waiting to see if Christian is going to make it to family brunch, but he calls me and he can't make it again.
We are heading out to see a property on the sound when Taylor suddenly stops the car  and parks it. He jumps out and I follow not knowing what is wrong he asks me to grab a blanket from the trunk while he checks the girl on the roads pulse. I give him the blanket and he dials a number and just as he does that a police car pulls up and sees the girl and asks where the baby is at?
Policeman Smith
She had a baby with her when she went missing. Is she alive? We need to question her, because the baby is missing and the tracker was in the diaper bag and looks like the other one is on her someplace. A six week old baby is missing and we only have her to tell us where the baby might be.
She needs medical care at this point. He points to her head injuries. He calls for an ambulance what park did she come from and where did you find the last tracker? Sir I think we should send a few men to canvas the place the other tracker was found. She might have left the baby in a safe spot and someone found her and hasn't reported it to the police yet. Most would take care of the baby's needs first and then call the police or CPS.
Do that, call as many people as you can. The ambulance is here now.
Policeman Smith
I need to get her clothing for evidence, here is the location of the last tracker it was in her diaper bag, but the diaper bag was empty when we got to it. I need to follow the ambulance and get a statement from the girl. I might need to ask you both questions as well.
Call me and I can arrange it for you. Sir I have sent people out to get information for us. I have Barney doing what he does best. The ambulance and the cop leave and we head out.
You had him get into the city's cctv footage didn't you?
I sure did, with an infant missing you darn tooting I did. A missing baby and a half dead caretaker why red tape it when we can use our sharp blade to cut through it without anyone knowing any better. Plus a frantic family is waiting for their infant and someone is waiting for the girl.
Well said Taylor. Now if they can find the infant.

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