Bradley And Grace Spencer

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Grace Turner
I called Bradley and tell him I need his help, he has only been gone three hours and a guy robbed me.
I head back and pick Grace and her twins up and I follow her to a gas station, where we get a first aid kit and I clean her up and ask if the guy did anything to her and she says her just grabbed her cash and ran. Luckily she didn't have her credit cards or drivers license on her. It was in her van in the console. She hid the twins under the cover. She said the guy didn't like her smell so he just grabbed her money instead of raping her. I have to say she definitely needs a bath. A skunk had somehow got within range of her. Her twins can't stand her smell either. She pumps the gas and I pay for hers and mine. We head out to where I am going to live for good.
Finally her skunk odor is gone and she is happy and the bruises are gone. The limp is still there and it's worse when she is tired. The twins are Jacob Edward and Henry Lawrence Turner. Her boys are having fun in the house. It is an amazing house off the main roads in Maryland. It has a pool and a pool house two SUV's are  parked and in the garage and are in my name.
I am working and so is Bradley, he asked me to marry him and I said yes. Now I am glad that never married the twins idiot father. I got my name changed and the boys named changed as well. No father listed. So Bradley asked to adopt the boys and I agreed to that as well.
I bought an inexpensive engagement ring for Grace and matching wedding bands. I get the adoption fixed and we get it done and the marriage in the same day.
Six months later
I am going to the mail box when a guy has me sign for a certified letter from an attorney from Baltimore. I call him and he wants me to come to the reading if my fathers will. I tell Grace about it and we have a sitter come and watch the twins. Al died a week ago and was cremated and his ashes are already dispersed to where my mothers were.
David Johnson Attorney at law
The son arrived to claim Al's estate, the man left thirty million dollars and land in Maryland and Washington state. I really hate to give this money to this guy. But the will us very clear and his son has a copy of it already. Mr Spencer and his wife Grace joins him. I give him his copy if the will and his check minus my fees. I hand the deeds to their properties along with keys to the building and the titles fir his thirty cars that are located in Maryland on the best property close to where he lives now. I hand him the box if jewelry and photos if his mom and dad to him. We have completed our business except for his dad's letter to him, which he is to read on his own.
I am sitting here thinking about the money and the properties. I ask the attorney a few questions and say something to Bradley and he thinks the same thing. If something happens to either if we would want me or the children to inherit the money and properties. So we decide to deposit the checks into a joint account and then find a different attorney on the way home. I didn't like that attorney for some reason. But he gave us enough death certificates to get the other life insurance policies and for the stocks and bonds. We are clueless on all of this. I think mr Johnson thought I wanted to do away with Bradley for the money. I just wanted to make sure we are both ready if something happens to one or both of us. We need to think about things because I am having another child and need to. make sure all the children inherit equally.
Grace explained things after telling me we are having a baby and we need to make sure if something happens to either or both of us the children will will inherit and everything will be put in a trust. We go home and have an attorney get a will created to assure any of our offspring will inherit our estates. Mostly mine because she hasn't gotten her trust fund yet. In three years she will. So we can't include that yet. We have life insurance on all four of us.
We live simply and the cars were either sold or donated, we kept a few of them and we decided to move to the other hone, because it had more space and we put all the properties in our names. We sell the other home for three million dollars. That we put in a trust fund. The twins are happy and playful, they are a year old. I think the security is making us nervous. But we need them at this point. There was a kidnap attempt and Bradley hired someone just before it happened. Apparently his father's letter insisted he hire people to protect him and any family he might have in the future due to the possibility of kidnapping attempts. He went all out and found very good people and his dad even made suggestions of who to contact regarding working for him.
Harrison was hired immediately and he was given the job if head of security and hired others. To protect us. He prevented a kidnapping his first week. He hired a staff of fifteen. We had the cops arrest the culprits and they are going to prison for a very long time. The boys were safe but frightened. Grace defended her babies and hid them just like Miss Steele hid Angela from me.

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