Seattle Bound

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After Jose left, I couldn't make it so I sold all my things and got a ticket to Seattle. I have a plan and it will work this time. I feel like I am being watched. I board the plane and notice something odd. I don't think it is my imagination at all. But a guy I have seen three times is on my same flight.
I found a tiny place that has an apartment included in the gallery as well. I start setting up and get things moved in as soon as they were moved from the other place. I knew Alexandria was trouble, but to chance going to jail just to see a man who wants nothing to do with you us plain stupid. I put another call in to the attorney and he still won't budge on who the other person is who inherited. He has no idea who the woman is in the photos. He was made aware that she was killed, but nothing else. He couldn't find the child. He hired a detective and dad couldn't get a lead as to where she was at.
I got news that Alexandria is on her way to Seattle. I am having restraining orders put in place. I will have her served if I can as she arrives in Seattle. But she might try to duck whoever tries to serve her. Taylor has an idea how to handle it. If she is coming to Seattle first stop to look for me is at GEH and we can have her served in the lobby and have her escorted out. I will include a copy of her file I have and tell her if she doesn't leave us all alone I will ensure the guy who gave them to me releases everything. Try escaping the cops then.
I get everything done and mr Grey signs the paperwork for the restraining orders and we get them processed. I know exactly what she looks like, mr Grey has given me her files and had me look them over. Of course the photos were in a sub file inside the files. Videos are in another sub file. Then criminal activity is in another sub file. These are accessed only by me, mr Grey, and his attorneys. Each of us have our own passwords to get into these files.
Christian has been coming over and spending the night with me. We are getting closer by the day. He told me Alexandria is back in Seattle and he is filing a restraining order against her for me and all the Grey family. Apparently they did try to get into the building the night if the party, but Jose left her there fighting with the security. He moved to a new apartment and studio as soon as he could get people to move him. Who knows what Alexandria has done to him.
I am enjoying getting to know Anastasia better. She finally told me about the scar on her back and what happened to the person who did it. I ask her if she thought about plastic surgery to remove it?
I tell him, that I had, but it is in a spot where removing could be dangerous. So it is easier living with it. Even removed my memories of it being done to me won't go away.
My New Years Eve was interesting I decided to go meet Jordan after waving at him from the house. Matilda was very nice and allowed me to join them watching the year come in. It was a nice night. Jordan was uncomfortable at first and then he started talking about things and asking me about myself and I think we became good friends. He escorted me back to the house and said goodnight and went back as I went into the house. I waved at him as he went into the pool house. Elliott did a wonderful job on adapting it to Jordan's needs. Matilda has invited me over when I have time. I go over about two or three times a week now. I help with some if his physical therapy and cook some meals for the three of us. He won't tell me about what happened to him. He just says it in the past and talking about changes nothing.
Mom and I were surprised by Amelia dropping in to visit us and bringing a meal with her. Picking New Years Eve of all days. We rang in the new year and had a very nice time. We were just waving at each other when we saw one another. We had never spoken until she introduced herself and served us dinner that she had cooked. Her family were all gone for New Years Eve, so she decided to come get an introduction. We enjoyed each other's company. Mom was thrilled when I got back from walking Amelia back to the house and carried the plates and pans back for her. We now see each other two or three times a day. We are good friends and that is where it needs to stay for now. Mom thinks Amelia has a crush on me, but I can't think that way, because until I find out if I will walk again, I don't want to bring anyone in my life at this point. People have a hard time making marriages work without my kind of issues. I want to know if the person can handle my bad days before we go any further than friends.
Jordan has a point, but I think Amelia is taking her time to know him and has been here in one if his bad days and took what he was throwing at her and didn't leave in tears. She let him get it all out if his system and started cooking us all a nice meal and Jarod's favorite desert. He apologized to her and they spoke privately to each other. He walked her back, well she rode and he finally got a motorized wheelchair.

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