Oscar Innocent

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I am glad to say I am cleared of all charges. I can't live in that place any more though. It is a good thing I rented it. I only had three months left in my lease so I gave my landlord notice and told her that I would make sure the rent is paid up for the last three months. I didn't want to keep anything in the place but my things from my safe. I have someone help me put everything I have left in storage. My computer was with me and my iPad was as well. So it is at Charlene's home. My safe is in storage until I find a new place. There is no way I can live in that place after seeing the damage to the bed and other areas. I talk to Elliott Grey who rented it to me and he needs to send someone out to see what the costs will be to fix the house up to rent again or even sell this time. He really did me a favor renting it in the first place.
Ashley Munson
I wake up screaming and I hear a beeping sound. That Daniel left me cuffed to a bed and left me all alone. I recall the girls and guys coming in and out of the bedroom and no one would help me. The one that tried to help me was beaten badly in front of me. I had never seen these people before. They went and left me alone music was blaring and loud noises and then the head guy walked in and looked me over. He checked me and washed me and when he was satisfied he had his fun and brought a few others in and I had already had the fight beaten out of me and I was numb by the time they were hopefully done. I have no idea when they stopped or left. I don't know if I can identify them at this point. The girl who tried to stop them is still on the floor unconscious. Her breathing is labored but present. I hear sirens and cops come in and see me and then the girl on the floor. They remove us after photographing everything and then covering me up and the girl as well. She has her clothes on at least.
I get the estimate and explained to my insurance company someone got into my home and left the door open. They tortured two young women and destroyed my house and took a lot of things and gave them the list of things that were stolen and damaged. Elliott sent me a twenty thousand plus dollar estimate and he can have someone do it if the insurance approves my claims. The police still need to come back to investigate further. So the place still has a crime scene tape on it. They allow me in just to tell them what I need and I leave.
I came by and it is a crime scene now. I knew they would go have fun when they found out a place was unlocked and waiting to be robbed. Two bullies with one shot. Oscar and Ashley. Now I can go pack to move out of the country for my new job. I leave the place spotless like I was never there. The landlord gave me my security deposit back in full. I sold her my furniture cheaply and it has plastic protective covering on everything. It was how I was raised. I buy my ticket and I fly out of Seattle as quickly as I can. I am working as a consultant for a manufacturing company. The owners expect me in a week and have given me time to get a place to live. I don't know what I will be doing yet. The pay is good and they have a housing allowance and they have other perks. The flight takes off on time. I made sure to leave those lost keys in the lost and found box at the restaurant and wipe my prints off them.
Kate accepts a second date from me. Anastasia has now been able to finally move into her house. If I do say so myself it is perfection. Anastasia has invited my family, Kate and Enid for her first dinner party. She invited Gail, Taylor and Christian as well. I tell her Kate and I will be there for sure. Anastasia is cooking a large assortment of food for us.
Mom and I are going to this dinner and dad and Ethan aren't welcome to join us. Gretchen is cling as well, she hasn't said much about what happened at that charity party and neither has Anastasia. I know dad and Ethan was asked to leave after they spent a long time in Carrick's office. Mom doesn't want to talk about it, but she filed for divorce and the fights have just began between her and dad. Carrick is her attorney and dad has a decent one, but nothing like Carrick. Christian has high praises for Anastasia's cooking abilities. I haven't tasted it, because due to Mrs Nelson not allowing us to have much contact with her and barely allowing us to see her. Now Mr Nelson is engaged to the lady who found Angela in her parking garage and actually returned her to her father. She was going to keep the baby, but had a guilty conscience and returned her with the help of her attorney. She has never been charged at all.
Taylor and I are invited to Anastasia's house warming. So is Sawyer and any security off duty. Anastasia said there will be plenty to eat for everyone. The girl is a marvel. Taylor and I were given the night off along with Sawyer. Ryan and Johnson are working, but they can get a plate of food.
I am glad she is doing better now. Her brain scans are much better now and her abilities are growing. Mom really likes Anastasia after meeting her. She at first thought it odd about the baby, but when she heard the truth of it all she was ready to kick some doctors and police people's mistreatment and non treatment if her medical needs. I like Anastasia she is a calming influence over me.

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