Waking Up To Adam Cross

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After a few rounds of mind blowing sex with Anastasia, she goes to her bedroom before the others get up. I hand her my robe and her clothes and shoes and she kisses me and makes it to her door and closes it quickly. I chuckle until I see Adam walking out if Mia's room. I close my door quickly and go shower. I can't wait to hear this explanation. I knew they liked each other, but I didn't think they were to this point.
I woke up holding Mia in my arms, but we were fully dressed except my jacket. Oh crap I left it in her room. I hope her brothers believe we didn't have sex. I see Anastasia and Christian headed my way and Christian has a look on his face as he leans to kiss Anastasia. Elliott appears in a shirt and jeans with Kate behind him dressed in jeans and a top.
So you spent the night? He says yes. What room?
I fell asleep beside Mia watching tv. Nothing happened I swear.
What are you swearing to and here is your jacket and tie. Elliott and Christian glare at Adam. I tell them to stand down nothing sexual happened between us, but things happened between my brothers and their girlfriends. If we had sex it is neither if your businesses. We are both of legal age.
Thanks for clearing that up Mia. I hug her and ask her to breakfast, but just as she was about to ask the cook puts meals in front of all of us. I forgot Christian has staff as well trained as mine. They are as efficient as well.
Mia I have an issue with you being friends with Alexandria. I can prove what I am saying is true if she denies it. Somehow she got into my room and I found her standing naked waiting for me and had to have her removed after she tried to pull my clothes off me. Security asked her to get dressed and she refused. I told them to take her naked and give her clothing and put her in the front yard, someone took photos if her and were going to publish them. I gave her a chance to leave town and not bother me again. I got the guy to sell me all the photos and anything else he had on her. It wasn't cheap. I failed to get her to agree to communicating with any of us. But now I need you to realize she probably knew about Jose and his obsession with her or someone who looks like her. One if you told her Anastasia is my girlfriend and suddenly she brings out Jose knowing it would have an effect on him seeing her. I am betting if Anastasia was just your friend she would have not introduced him to her. I hope you stay away and don't confront her. If you do remind her I still have those photos and a few other things the guy had on her. She is trouble.
Omg so everything people were telling me about her us true. I am so sorry Christian. Anastasia I apologize as well. I don't know much about Jose at all.
I don't want you near either Alexandria or Jose. Bodyguards at all times understand me. Adam you as well Alexandria is trouble that you can't see coming.
Alexandria I will not approach Anastasia again. I still don't know what our relationship is to each other. But I saw the fear in her eyes and I won't be part if your evil plans to seduce Christian Grey and destroy Anastasia. Did you think he wouldn't call the police in you? He didn't even know you were there last night. His minions handled it quite well and without having to call anyone. Don't drag me into this again. I spoke with my attorney and he thinks you could get me into serious trouble, so I mad packing up and getting out of dodge today. The movers are here now. You can stay in bed for all I care. I will leave your keys with your doorman, my things are already gone. I sold that huge photo a guy came in and bought it for his bosses office. Ten thousand dollars I made a nice profit. It has been picked up already.
I call Grey and tell him the portrait if Anastasia is in his New York City office and hung already where he asked to be. I inform him we still don't know the connections between Rodriguez and miss Steele. We think it is his father who had the connection. From everything we have found so far they weren't related. I am looking into something else as well. Jose inherited half his fathers estate when he turned 21. But the other half of the estate is still in a trust. The attorney can't reveal any information about the mystery person and can't tell Jose who it is either. It is very strange. He tells me to get Welch and Barney to help him me out with it all. He wants eyes on Alexandria and Jose as well. I tell him it is already done. Jose moved out of their apartment and hired staff to move out if the gallery as well. Apparently they showed up at the building and your security turned them away. He left immediately and Alexandria wasn't so easy to get moved.
I figured she would be the problem if she becomes a problem remind her about what I have on her and will not hesitate to use it to get rid of her from our lives. Suddenly I hear a scream. I hang up and go to see who is screaming.
Omg I missed you proposing to Kate. Did anyone take pictures? Videos?
God Mia don't scream like that again. I thought someone was getting killed. We have both if you want to see go talk to security they have burned dvds of it.

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