New Job

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I have been walking without help for a few months now and I am training in the vocational rehabilitation center for a different job. I am no longer able to do the job I was in because of my previous injuries. One bad fall and I could be permanently paralyzed. So they have me working on studying on computer analysis and programming and programs. I can do some of it at home. But the best equipment is in the offices and hard to get use of. Somehow Amelia mentioned this to a friend of hers who rented a place and had the equipment installed in it and offered use of it to me for free. It also needed an on site security team and that came with an apartment. So I was sitting behind a screen monitoring the place for eight hours from my apartment and the office. A young girl that was maybe 17 was given access to the place to do college courses on the computer. I heard her last name and saw Sawyer and figured it must be Taylor's Sophie. So I went back to my studies as well since I was off duty. Mom and Amelia check in on me and we get visits and some of the GEH people come to train on their days off. I got very good at all the systems and Barney came by to check out the equipment and did some updating and upgrading of everything and sat me down and taught me a lot. Soon I was offered a job as a trainer at GEH as a trainer. I would train everyone there and still live on site though. My salary was tripled and I didn't have rent to pay so I saved almost every dime.
Jordan moving out of the pool house was unexpected for many reasons. Then he told me it was an excellent opportunity that he couldn't turn down. He showed me the place and explained everything to me. At first I was angry at Anastasia, but she told me he needed the equipment to learn on and she thought it would also benefit Sophie as well. She also hired him as part of the security to oversee the building and he started training people so well that Christian put him on staff and had Barney update and upgrade everything along with training Jordan on everything so he could train others at GEH. Apparently he is an excellent IT guy and teacher. So he has a great job and an apartment. He showed me the apartment and it is amazing.
I miss having Jordan with me, but I am glad he has moved on with his life and is doing a lot better than he was when I brought him to the Grey residence. He has friends and a good job and most importantly he is walking again. The hours he spent getting back on his feet is amazing. It took time for him to come to terms that he might not walk again. He finally just said to himself that giving up was not his strong suit and he started doing his work to get back to walking. It was hard to watch him at first, but he didn't give in to fatigue or weakness. Amelia and I were his cheerleaders and so were others eventually. He had a lot of people encouraging him to get back up and walk freely.
I have no doubt Jordan knew I was creating him an atmosphere to grow and accept what his limits were and that he could go beyond them. I gave him the tools and the space to grow and he took it and he now is doing so much for himself. Amelia was sad at first, but she saw how happy he was and that made her happy as well.
I found a job in New York and working hard. Adam was happy to see me, but his female employees weren't. He kind of has the same problem Christian has, as in women flirt and try to hang on him and I am a threat to them getting a wedding ring on their fingers and a huge checkbook in their grubby hands. Now I understand what Kate and Anastasia feels like when these frisky fritters show their wares off in public. I swear I think I saw a few nipples fall out if their tops. I mean come on now you know if you bend over in that dress split to the belly button, something is bound to fall out and it did. I told one girl she could be arrested for that and a sexual harassment complaint.
I check out Jordan and he assures me that Sophie is definitely learning here and hasn't brought anyone else inside here. He says her training is right on schedule and her college courses are up to date. Barney already told me these things because he monitors everything that goes on here and their training along with who is excelling in their training and who is just there for other reasons. A couple of people are just there in hopes they can get hired by GEH. If they had been there for educational purposes they might be getting a good job somewhere. But they are given a certain time frame to learn and if they don't learn they are asked to allow others to take their spots, they have signed an agreement to this and have no choice to leave. Sophie is an exception to this rule. It pays to have an in with the owner and the guy helping keep the place up to date. But she is doing the work and is now training as well. Mr Grey hired her as an intern, so she only works twenty hours a week. Kate wants to hire her at Kavanagh Media for a special department she created. I don't think it is a good idea. Gail thinks she can use a pen name and no photo. Kate said she would make sure she would be able to handle questions and what she should alert them to letter wise. It is a help column for teens who are too frightened to come forward about being abused. They can write letters to her and ask how and what they can do about stopping it. They can also find out if they are being abused at all. They will all get answers some in the paper and some in private. This way they can remain anonymous. The letters answering them are sent to a voicemail with a code to use to get their answer. That way the don't get caught by anyone. The kinks are still being worked out. I don't see how. So I asked Kate to forget it as far as Sophie is concerned. Sophie got mad, but realized it would be too much for her to cope with.

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