A Missing Barbara

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I called the spa and they had no record of Barbara Nelson ever staying there. I also found out she reported her car stolen by happenstance. Now the police are looking at me in regards to her missing, but Seattle P D had me followed so they were aware of my every move. I was eliminated, so was Anastasia. Who I found out was owed more than ten grand by us. Barbara kept the money. I was also made aware that Barbara again didn't stick to the agreement about hours and yet another reason why Anastasia had given her two weeks notice finally after six weeks of being worked to exhaustion. She even begrudged her food and water. She was told she only had a certain amount of hours for her friends. I reported Barbara as missing and made sure Anastasia got paid for her bonus and doubled it. Plus I made sure she got paid for all the hours she worked. We know now that Barbara was involved in the kidnapping and she ordered the murder of Anastasia. I also found out she went by another name. She isn't who she said she was, I am able to file to have my marriage annulled due to Barbara using a false name. She lied about her name. Now that Angela us back I filed for full custody and got it. I got rid of Barbara's things by putting it all in storage. Cassandra and I have became close friends and Anastasia is finally able to attend college. She is living in the staff quarters and trying her best to work as Angela's nanny again. Therapy is taking it's toll on her. She is getting better though she has migraines still.
I look at the scene again and make sure both are dead. I am a bit concerned about the bullet they shot at me. I went back after dropping Brian at his car and I check and it is in an odd state and think it through, I think I will put the gun back in her man's hand and let the cops do what they do best investigate the hell out if it. I do that and walk quietly from the house and down to car and drive off. Good luck son, hope life gets better for you were my last words he would hear from me. My last good thing I did for him in my short time I have left.
Dad seemed sad when he told me good luck. It was like it would be the last time he saw me. I look at where I live on the drivers license and go there. A quick trip through a 24/7 fast food joint and I am back on my way to a very nice home. Dad has money and money that will put me off the radar from here on out. He left a letter, but I can't read it until I get contacted again. I put in back in the box it was in and drive through the night. I look and my bags from the spa are already there. Dad told me to put my old ID's in a safe place once I arrive at my new home. I place it under the back seat if the car when I stop at a rest area. I found a 38 under there, when I get everything back under the seat I lock everything up and go wash up and shave quickly. I walk out and a young lady is standing by a car with the hood up. She has been beaten and has a set of twins in her van. I ask if I can be of assistance and she seems scared at first. I tell her to get in the van and turn the key over. It won't start. I check the trunk of my car and their are tools there. I check the battery and the spark plugs. The cables were loose on the battery. I tightened them and it tried to start. I get my booster cables and suddenly the twins start crying.
Grace Ann Turner
I finally had to stop for the restroom, I locked the van up and covered the twins so no one knew they were inside the van. I went very quickly and got in and the van wouldn't start. There is only one other vehicle here at this point. I open the hood up and look at the engine and checked the cables. Damn I don't have tools or booster cables. A man is headed my way with his shaving kit in his hand. He sees me and ask if I need help? At first I ignored him, he opened his trunk and got a set of tools out.
Brian AKA Bradley Spencer
Get in the van and try turning it on. I tighten the battery cables and check the spark plugs and wires. She could use both on this van. I tell her to try again and it tries to start. The babies start crying at that point. I grab the booster cables and pull my car next to hers and jump her van. I ask if they have eaten recently and hand her some applesauce packages and peanut butter and crackers snacks. I give them the fresh fruit as well. Then I grab the waters from the 24 case that dad put in the car for me. I introduce myself and tell her where I am headed. I ask how far she is headed.
I tell him my first name and feed the twins and eat a little of what he gave us. He gets more and asks if he could treat us to the next restaurant we see, since we are going in the same direction for a while. He offers to follow me to my exit if it would make me feel better and safer. I tell him that would be kind of him. We drive to the restaurant and it turned out to be a nice restaurant. He helps me change the babies and give them a bottle of milk that the restaurant warmed up for us. They fell asleep in their stroller. He asked if I had a cooler so he could get more milk and little containers of food from the restaurant.
Bradley Spencer Aka Brian
I follow her to her exit which is about ten miles from my exit and I give her my new phone number to call me if she needs help. She takes it and I hand her a couple hundred dollars and she at first resists taking it, but her holy tennis shoes tell me she has no money for much. Her babies are well fed and dressed though.

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