The Party

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I thought mr Rodriguez would never let my hand go and when he started pulling me to the back of the gallery I got frightened by him. I have a fear of being pulled by males to any place. I froze in place and the harder he pulled the harder I held firm to my spot. Something is very off about that guy. The bodyguards came to help me and prayed his hand off mine. He realized what he had done and apologized and left to go back where Alexandria brought him from. I can't know for sure, but I don't trust her and think she might have triggered something off in him by meeting me. I looked around and saw it, I pointed the huge photo looking painting that looks exactly like me. It is his work. I definitely won't be coming back to this place.
We head out to shop and I notice Anastasia is still nervous and is making sure no one is behind us. The bodyguards are watching as well. Anastasia is scared senseless and can't talk right now. Her eyes are watery. I see a cafe and we stop for something to drink. I notice the bodyguard is on the phone and looking at Anastasia with concern. Ten minutes later they ask us to go back to the penthouse. That is when I see him, Rodriguez is stalking Anastasia.
Omg let's get Anastasia out of here and fast. I just saw Jose waiting for us outside. The bodyguards lead us out of another exit with the help of the staff. We are put in a taxi and one of the guys stay with us, while the other two gave something to take care of. We are told to go directly to the penthouse immediately. Also we aren't to go out without the bodyguards with us at all times.
I call Mia and ask her if she knows Rodriguez? She says it was the first time she ever met him. But he acted very bizarre and we saw his work that looked exactly like Anastasia. She didn't see it until we were leaving the gallery. Mia said he tried to drag her to see something and the more he tried to drag her the more she stayed where she was. Finally the bodyguard took his hands off her hand. He started following you guys as soon as you left the gallery. Mia what do you know about Alexandria and Jose? I need to know.
I just know she and I were friends in Seattle and we kept in touch. I decided to go see her and her gallery. She asked if you were married and I told her no and told her Anastasia was your girlfriend. After she looked at Anastasia very closely I may say. She wanted to introduce Jose to us. So I am sure she knew something about how he would respond to her.
I am sure you are right. My guys told him to leave her alone and to go back to work. You didn't invite them to the party did you?
I might have, I don't recall if I did. I am so sorry Christian.
We will just make sure they don't get inside. I recommend you call and ask them not to come to the party. Explain to Alexandria why and inform her not to give the address to her friend Jose. I will have them arrested and that won't help her business.
Okay I will call her and tell her that you ask that they not come to the party after what happened with Jose at the gallery and afterward. I pick up my phone and call Alexandria and leave her a message about Christian asking her and Jose not coming to the party. I explain what had happened after our visit to her gallery.
I look at Jose as I listen to Mia's message about not attending Christian's New Years Eve party because of what happened. I ask him after the message what did he do exactly to cause us to get uninvited to the party at Christian's?
I wanted to see her again, so I followed her. I couldn't stop myself. Her bodyguards told me to stop following her and they held me until she got in a taxi a sped away. The party is the only way I can see her again.
Mia said they will arrest us if we show up, that is how badly you scared her and the others. So don't go to the party. I still am friends with Mia and I don't want to have that friendship ended for your obsessions. I think you need help, I suggest a psychiatrist.
The person in those photos was a real person. I inherited them from my father, it took the attorney a year to find me in foster care. I don't know who the person in the photos is, but my father had a lot of photographs and in one of them was a baby. My dad was never in any photos with her or the baby. But there were photos of him with me and who I think was my mom. I just wanted to ask her questions. Now I won't be able to do that. I show her the box of photos that I bring in from home and the huge number of photographs my dad has left me along with a life insurance policy and my portion of his estate. The other part was left to someone in Seattle. The attorney said he couldn't disclose the other persons name or information. He just said when the person turns 21 they will inherit their half of the estate. Everything was divided up equally between the two of us. Since I am 21 already I already have my inheritance. The fees were taken out already for both attorneys. I really need to contact that girl so I will know if she was the baby in the photos.

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