Elliott's Chase

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I can't believe I can't get Kate to go out with me and Anastasia is not willing to help me get to to go out with me. Her reasoning is plausible though. I tend to love and leave women and she wants her friend to have a better man in her life than a man who is not monogamous.
Her father and her brother sure proved my point at the party for the charity. Kate and I chatted regarding Elliott and him wanting to go out with her and that I told him she had enough playboys in her own family and had no need or desire to date one as well. I kept her apprised of every conversation he and I had regarding her. I am her friend and although he could be a good guy, he also is a player. Kate has decided to go on one date and if it goes wrong then he won't ask again.
I decide to give Elliott Grey one chance only to get him off Anastasia's back for good, well I had hoped it would that is.
Anastasia came and thanked me and Taylor for saving her life along with getting Carrick involved in her case. She wanted to make us our favorite meal and desert to thank us. I wanted a steak well done with mushroom gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans and macaroni and cheese. For desert a German chocolate cake. She asked us when we wanted it?
Christian and Taylor gave me what their favorite dinner and desert was and we set up a time and place to serve it to them.
I meet Anastasia in the garage and carry the bags up along with Sawyer. She is making Mr Grey and I our favorite meals. She is cooking enough for Gail and the rest of the staff. Gail has allowed her to cook in the kitchen at the penthouse. I asked for chicken fried steak with country gravy along with ear of corn with butter and mashed potatoes and apple butter along with corn bread. Desert is peach pie with vanilla ice cream.
I watch as this young lady efficiently cooks both dinners and lays it all out for us to eat it while it is still hot. The peach pie was taken out and the ice cream was served to those who wanted it on the hot pie. I tasted a bit of both meals, she definitely can cook very well. I guess being a nanny she had to learn to cook. I thought that until I found out she was a foster kid who had to cook, clean and watch her other younger foster kids and in some cases the families own natural children. Anastasia was never taught to cook, she had to learn and fast. She showed me the scar one of the family's left on her to remind her not to burn food ever again. I saw the name Wagner inside a circle. She said it was a cast iron pan they heated up and branded her with it. She never burns anything since that day. Those were the good foster parents she had. I wanted to cry, but she left to start washing the pans up and didn't eat with us. Instead she ate in the kitchen and hurriedly washed everything up and left as quickly as she had arrived.
That was a fantastic meal, I went to thank Anastasia to find not only did she clean everything up she had already ate and left with ten minutes of the meal being finished. Gail told me that she learned to be fast and invisible while in foster care. She excused herself and I could tell her heart broke for something that Anastasia might have revealed to her.
Mr Grey had me do a deeper background check on Anastasia and I told him her records were sealed from birth until she turned 18. He said it would take a lot of red tape cutting to get anything before 18 and who knows if the files will say anything.
I let it slip about the brand now I wished I hadn't mentioned it, but Gail was so kind and generous to me allowing me use of her beautiful kitchen. I will have one of my own once the special orders arrive for the kitchen. Elliott was thrilled about the date with Kate he got the delivery date moved up for me.
Omg I think I have died and gone to heaven, miss Steele nailed both those meals. Gail you are fantastic as a cook and a gorgeous woman, but that peach pie is addicting. A down home country meal thanks Taylor that hit the spot in all the right ways. Back to work it is as both mr Grey and Taylor give me a look and Gail leaves the room. Uh oh I am in hot water now. I need to tell Gail I am sorry. She accepts my apologies and realized she had never cooked us a meal like that before so we had never tasted her down home country style meals. I think there is something else that has upset her and it has something to do with miss Steele.
Elliott picked me up for our date. He looks great, remember he is a player. He opens the door for me to get in the car. A nice BMW and he makes sure I am inside and in my seatbelt before he closes the door. We drive to the Mile High Club, okay he is really impressing me now as we are lead to a vip table and immediately get service. A waitress arrives and starts flirting with him and he asks to find a different waitress or better yet a waiter. She glared at him and then looked me over from head to toe. A waiter arrived and took our orders right away. So far so good.
We chat about her future and college and how Anastasia, Mia and her met the first day of college registration and all three just clicked. Kate is just turning 19 so she can't drink alcohol. A first for me. I guess her Anastasia and Mia are close in ages. We have a great time until a one night stand of mine shoves her way into a seat at our table. She goes on and on about good I am in bed and she wants to have sex with me that night. I have my security escort her out and tell him to put her in a cab to get home safely. I have no idea where she lives, because we went to a hotel. Kate wasn't happy about the situation at all. Ryan found her phone and called another friend of hers and they said they were in the restroom and could come get her away from us and makes sure she gets home safely. We unfortunately believe him.

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