Caught In Flight

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Daniel Morris
The flight was delayed and held due to some bad guy on board according to whispers amongst the passengers. We have been here two hours. First it was being held for mechanical reasons and now the newest story is that a criminal is being retained for questioning.
Policeman Smith
I lead the group to arrest Mr Scumbag Morris. We got a statement from Ashley Munson, she woke up and told exactly what happened. The girl with her woke and we got her to turn states evidence against the people she came with. Daniel Morris was behind it all. Once she started naming names we got the full picture from everyone. Each turned on Daniel. We found out from his neighbors he was leaving the country and had already went to the airport. I did what was needed and they finally held the plane for the arrest warrant. We find him in first class of all places chatting up an innocent young lady. I read him his Miranda and cuff him. I ask if they are tight enough, because the ones he had on Ashley were tight enough. We drag him off the plane as he say he didn't rape her. No you just sent others to rape her, after you took all her clothing off her and left the doors wide open and sent her rapist an invitation.
I want my attorney.
Policewoman Schwartz
Oh I thought you might want a female driving the car to take you to be arraigned. I smile at him and say this is going to be fun right Daniel? Suddenly his eyes widened and he remembers who I am. He might not have raped Ashley, but he did me and left me just like he did Ashley and invited others to rape me. He is a serial rapist. But with a twist he only rapes virgins. Smith is going with me, but he wanted me to give Daniel the ride of his life. Sometimes it pays to have friends in low places or someone who owns a race track. By the time we are off the track I think Daniel has soiled his pants. We take him and book him and he is hosed down after the strip search. His fellow prisoners were eyeing him up like he was going be their next meal. I heard someone warned him not to drop his soap. I felt better than I have since he raped me. Maybe my nightmares will go away since he will be paying for at least this time. We were given a lot of evidence from an unknown source and more than enough to charge him.
Christian and Taylor asked me about evidence of a crime and how do they handle giving the police evidence they have on video from his restaurant? Dad said he would be the go between and keep our names out if it. The security team will say they were worried and followed to assure she got home safely. They would confirm what they witnessed from their standpoint. After talking to Christian, Taylor told me his guys had further information and that I should see the files on this guy and he told me his guys knew more about mr Morris and that is why they didn't stand down. Sadly they couldn't legally go inside. We can only do so much. They would have been outnumbered. I tell him to have an anonymous tip sent as well. We can't do much about what happened now, but we can make sure the guy gets arrested. He then tells me he will talk with the security guys involved and to tell them to expect his call. I hand him their names and cell numbers. He says he will handle it legally and we and the guys did nothing wrong. Elliott didn't do anything wrong either. I do tell him he did the right thing by talking to me. He said he has a flight to delay.
I excuse myself and go out to the car and think about my family and friends.
The next day they announce mr Morris's arrest, they found that this was not the first time he has done this kind of thing. Gail says it makes sense he has done this before. He was to calm fir it to be his first time doing this to a woman. It made sense so I told Carrick what Gail mentioned since she has been watching what was being said about him and she saw him being arrested.
I can't believe this man thinks it is okay to do these bad things to anyone, but he does it to someone helpless after he drugs her. Then he calls people to cone to a house he doesn't own or rent to assault her and destroy the place. Then the one person tried to stop them is nearly killed by them.
I pick Anastasia up and take her to the Mile High Club for dinner. I have to say her food was really good and in some cases better than my restaurant is serving. Anastasia looks very beautiful and she is getting her degree this year. We have the usual issues of women thinking they can flirt with me no matter who is with me. I have to give Anastasia points for how she handled them.
First the hostess could barely breathe at how much he mouth was open and drool was coming out, then the waitress could barely walk trying to swing her ass so we had to look at it. Then the waitress couldn't stop flirting away to the point I explained that Christian has a date and said date wants a different waitress or waiter. He told her to get a waiter to help us. Since he is the owner she had to do as she was asked. She is lucky he didn't fire her. We finally got a waiter who was all business and he got a nice tip out of it and praise from me and Christian. Christian made sure he told his manager that the rest of the wait staff should learn from him how to wait on people as if it was job that supports staying alive and off the streets.

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