Carrick Grey

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I get into the prison ward at the hospital and my client still hasn't been charged and hasn't been given proper medical treatment. She is still cuffed to the bed. I have gotten her released into the ER after seeing her today. Grace came and helped me get what I needed. She gets the CT scan and they have hopefully caught it in time to clear the blood clots in her head injuries. I am suing the police for this. Plus she asked for an attorney, the father of the baby told me she begged for one and threatened to sue them. The policewoman let her lay there begging to go to the restroom. She had to be given a bath and was given a new hospital gown. I can't believe this and called for my assistant to record everything she was able to tell me before they took her to emergency surgery. I already see multimillion dollars in settlements coming her way. I will be checking into the mother of the baby. I can't believe they kept her hostage and barely treated her injuries and didn't give her the basic human care. I photographed everything including the policewoman guarding her like she could escape from the cuffs on her wrist and ankles. I get photos of the wounds on her wrists and ankles. I photo graph all I can, then I have someone come and photograph the injuries in her private areas. They finally get her cleaned up and bathed her then bandaged everything but her head so they can shave her head to do the surgery. Her speech was starting to slur. When Kate Kavanagh and Mia came in the room. I had no idea this was the Anastasia they said had been missing for days after her charge was kidnapped. They apparently met on campus.
There is no way Anastasia would hurt that baby, you might look into the mother though. I saw how she acted around her own baby. We picked Anastasia up to go to see a movie and Barbara said to be back early and Anastasia just said okay.
I never saw her even touch the baby, the family photos only show her father holding the baby. I don't think I ever saw her hold her baby. Anastasia suddenly convulses and we hit the button to get someone in here. They get her seizures stopped and take her to surgery when the doctor arrives.
Dr Lewiston
Mr Grey I hope she lives, if not sue on behalf of her and donate it her favorite charity. It is for orphans who have no one and no chance to be adopted. I have information on it if you want to look at it. I need to go save her life. We might be too late though.
Mia and Kate tell me more about Anastasia and the mother of this baby. They both go into details that they personally witnessed. Anastasia never spoke about how badly she was treated by Mrs Nelson, but it was obvious she only stayed for the baby. After hearing everything she could have been working for a lot more money and benefits. She apparently worked seven days a week and barely got any time off. So the Nelsons were horrors of bosses. I think I need to talk to others about them.
I check in on Anastasia and the surgery has take seven hours and Dr Lewiston walks toward me and says whoever allowed the cops to keep her from getting treatment when they first brought her in should be fired on the spot.
Dr. Lewiston
Anastasia flatlined five times. We have no idea if she will survive. She is in the ICU. I need to go take a nap and I will be watching her carefully. Please let your husband know we got all the clots and a few bleeds. Poor thing is fighting for her life, I hope they find the baby at least.
I call the police and tell them someone put our baby in her car seat while I was in a meeting and I found her crying and got her to her doctors office to get her checked out. The diaper bag had food in it and she needed a diaper change. They met me at the doctors office as I call Barbara and tell her I have Angela at the hospital to get her checked out. She seems very healthy and the doctor said that whoever took care of her did as good a job as Anastasia has been doing. I forgot that Anastasia was allowed to bring Angela for her shots or anything else. Barbara couldn't be bothered. The more I think about it, the more she has really never made an attempt to be around Angela. I ask the doctor Barbara had ever brought Angela in for appointments and she asked who Barbara was.
Dr Lyon
Anastasia is the girl who brought Angela in for any appointments. I thought she looked young, but thought by the way the baby held onto her that she was her mother. But Barbara is your wife and Angela's mother. I never met her, not even on Angela's intake appointments. That is a first for me and if I am right the great percentages of mothers want to be at all their baby's appointments. Anyway whoever found Angela was a natural mother and care giver. Let me know if anything happens with her. The receptionist will set your next appointment. Good luck.
Two weeks later
I am woke up by a loud noise and I am looking at the eyes of an older man and a doctor asking me if my head is hurting? I tell him it could hurt less, but I think it hurts less than it was hurting. He asks me if I know where I am? I suspect that I am in the hospital.
Dr Lewiston
Do you recognize the man standing by me?
Not really, I still don't know who I am yet. I just know I was hurt.
Anastasia if you want me to I can represent you in the law suits against the city of Seattle and the police for your treatment and lack of medical treatment that nearly killed you. Do you want to sign me as your attorney if record?
Yes, don't I know you from somewhere else?
We met before briefly through my daughter Mia.

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