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I get a call from an attorney from Texas. I apparently have inherited something and the attorney needs to meet with me. I have no idea what or who left me anything. I am meeting him in Dallas. I guess it took him a while to find me. Because I was supposed to get it when I turned 21. He is being very quiet about who and why I inherited anything.
Attorney Cannon
This was one of the strangest inheritance and trust I have ever dealt with. Two foster children were named as heirs to millions of dollars and photographs of their dead parents. The girl inherited jewelry as well. I was instructed to keep quiet about who and why they were left the estate of this person, but I know he was found guilty of killing both of these children s parents and then was killed on his way to prison. He apparently had his attorney set everything before he turned himself in. Jack Hyde was shot by a sniper. Carla Steele and Ray Steele were killed on the same day as Jose Rodriguez and Carmen Rodriguez. After killing these two couples, well they found only three bodies. Ray Steele's body disappeared from the hospital. The children were put in foster care. What people didn't know is why the killer had so many photos of just the mothers and their children. Investigators think Hyde was obsessed with both the wives and took all those photos from the residence and took some of his own photos. They still have no idea who killed Hyde. They also don't know why Hyde's will left his whole estate to the children. There was a boy and a girl. The boy and girl both looked like their mothers. Both in foster care in Texas. Both left the state of Texas as soon as they graduated high school. I couldn't get any information on the case until I found Jose and he called me saying he saw the girl in New York and he knew someone that knew a friend of hers. I never got his phone message, so he called until he got through to me. I found her finally in Seattle. Anastasia Steele was a hard person to find. A lot of disconnected numbers and ages and some out of country. She is headed down to Texas to talk to me.
You aren't going to meet an attorney in Texas that you don't know anything about alone. I am going with you and we are taking bodyguards. I arrange time off to go to Texas.
I am glad Christian is coming with me, because I have awful memories of living in Texas. If you call it living. I call it surviving. When I was put in the hospital for the brand on my back, something bad happened to the person who gave me that punishment. They have no idea who did it, but the culprit was behind bars when it happened. They were working in the kitchen and he was branded by the inner parts of a toaster. When they found him he was gasping for air. I have no information other than that. They found him guilty and he was sentenced to ten years. His burns required major plastic surgery. The caseworker told me about it, thinking it would comfort me. It didn't change anything for me at all. The scars are still there inside and outside. They will never go away. Foster care could be a study in horror or the opposite and day in heaven. It is like everything else you either get horrible parents or wonderful parents. After high school I left Texas and headed for college in Washington state and my nanny position. I can't believe how badly that job turned out. I am still taking courses after getting my degree in designing. Elliott recommended I get into architecture. I can work for him.
Attorney Cannon
I finally meet the actual Anastasia Steele and she looks just like her mother Carla and her birth certificate, passport and driver's license prove who she is. Her boyfriend is the Christian Grey. The press hasn't gotten wind of that yet. I read the will and hand Anastasia a box with everything inside it. We go over all the items that were left for her. The engagement rings and wedding bands along with all the photos and albums.
I pull out an NDA and have her attorney read it and sign it. We don't need him discussing me being Anastasia's boyfriend. His receptionist signed one already. It is one thing to disguise yourself before you get here, but another to sit there in a disguise. The heat is already overbearing in Texas. He finally signs it and says he understands why the need for it. We leave with everything including all the contents of the lock box. Now we know why Jose was obsessed with Anastasia. His parents and hers were victims of the same murderer. The murderer is the one who left her the trust and the photos, along with jewelry. There was a secondary trust left from her parents. By the time we were done there was a mansion in Dallas and one in California and thirty five million from life insurance policies and cash. He handed her a locked box full of jewelry from her parents. She unlocked it and did the inventory of everything. He asked we do a complete inventory and initial everything for both trusts.
I can't believe the amount of money spent on jewelry. He still won't give me the name of the guy who shot my parents. He told me he is dead, so even if I knew his name I couldn't do anything to them or talk to them. He gives us two big boxes to put everything in and the checks are in an envelope. We put those in the locked box and lock it back and tell the attorney goodbye.

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