A Momment Alone

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I get a few moments alone with Anastasia and asked her to join me for dinner soon. She says that would be nice and gives me her number. I give her my cell phone number. Gretchen Walters walks in with her fiancé Gregg McGuire. She introduces us to each other and it's time to eat after Donald Stauss arrives with a gift and a store bought pie. I introduce him to Enid and Kate and let nature take it's course. He found out about her divorce and asked if I could invite him to this party so he could meet her. He dismissed me after he took Enid's aside and told her how much he wanted to meet her and for a long time.
Donald Strauss
When I found out Enid was finally divorced from her idiot husband Eamon I also found out about this get together. I knew if I didn't move quickly she would be courted by some other suitor and I couldn't allow her to meet someone else. After my wife died ten years ago I had not looked at another woman until I met Enid at a charity event and her cheating husband left her sitting alone while he got his rocks off with some woman he just met. He wasn't discreet about it. I could tell Enid knew about his dalliances and it hurt her, but she feigned ignorance to save face. He is in jail now for assaulting several women. Two are at this party right now. Enid says yes to going to dinner with me. I am thrilled to have her on my arm at my favorite restaurant.
Donald is a very nice man and I recall meeting him and how he stayed by me while my husband made a mockery of our marriage while everyone knew what he was doing with the bimbo slut he left the banquet room and returned disheveled later. The woman looked like her dress was inside out. Both had something on the front if their attire and it was a white looking substance. Donald had just joined life again after his wife died. I have waited too long to divorce Eamon, but I wanted Kate settled in college before I did, plus I had to get concrete proof of his infidelity and I finally got it. He finally asks me to go to dinner with him at his favorite restaurant. We are finally sitting to eat and everything is hot and Donald is seated right by me. Anastasia threw a great dinner party and she showed us the features of her dining rooms. She short both doors in seconds and sealed the room off and tv's appeared and we were able to see everything going on outside the dining room and outside the house and then the gates. It was amazing.
I am placed between my mother and my sister and decided to switch so I can sit beside Anastasia. When I sit down she laughs and asks me was my seat assignment not to my liking? I told her I prefer to be by someone who isn't my family. Better conversations and not family or business related ones if I sit by her.
When Christian told me his reason for changing his assigned seat he made a good point. I shall remember that if I have any more dinner parties. He seems to have something on his mind. I ask him and he tells me he has to speak to Elliott about something he gave an okay on and why and I need to know precisely what he recalls.
Elliott looks over at me and he knows I need to talk to him and why. My brother might be a bit if a goof, but he is a smart goof. Well he let other factors rule his brain cells the night he allowed Daniel Morris take Ashley Munson home knowing she was in no condition to be trusted in the care of someone who has a bad reputation. Taylor said the guy drugged his glass of wine and switched the wine glass and his date ended drugged. We have videos of the guy doing it. I own the restaurant and it could end up causing a legal issue. Because Elliott didn't insist on having security take her directly to her address or a hotel room until she sobered up. Now she is still in the hospital and I just found out about this by accident. When the restaurant told me they needed to pull cctv footage of the night she disappeared. Now I have to talk to him and find out the details in as much as he can recall. Taylor has to interrogate the security team, but he needs to find out who was with them that night.
I bet Kate knows about it, you should talk to her, she was there and really liked your restaurant. He finally convinced her to go out with him. So far they have been working out.
I was surprised he actually took her on a date, he usually just picks someone at a bar and he hits it and quits it. If you know what I mean.
A one night stand?
Yes, that is exactly what it means. The girl in question interrupted Elliott's date with Kate that was how he realized she was inebriated and needed to go home. Somehow that got hood of her date and he came out of the restroom and drove her home. The security team followed to ensure the girl was taken home. It turns out he took her to someone else's residence. It just so happens that house was Elliott's and he rented to a friend from school. The guy got back three days later and found his door open and things stolen and the place was a shambles. They found the girl handcuffed to the bed. They also found another girl beaten as badly if not worse than the cuffed girl. We are trying to piece it all together we hope to find the guys who did this and the guy who drugged the girl. We don't have any answers and the police are trying to get an idea who set it up and who.

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