And She Arrives

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As predicted Alexandria bulldozes her way into GEH and refuses to leave until she sees Mr Grey. I walk with Sawyer beside me with the restraining orders. I am going allow him to serve her the papers and have him turn them so the cctv cameras pick up exactly what they are he is handing her along with her photos and videos and tell her they are copies and the originals with the rest of the files will be released to the public if she violates the restraining orders.
Taylor is smiling, a smiling Taylor is scary especially when he is having me do the dirty work. I think he knows something about this woman that I don't.
You have had your tetanus shot updated right?
Yes, I have my bullet proof vest on as well. Is she dangerous?
I am assuming that any woman barging into GEH lobby holding off several security men are probably dangerous.
So is my life insurance up to date? Taylor laughs.
Just make sure you hold the documents so security can see what she is being given.
I walk quickly past two security guards and they attempt to stop me, but I refuse to be removed from the lobby of GEH until Christian comes down to talk to me. I won't let go of the reception desk and they try to budge me but can't. I see a face I recognize and he is walking my way. The guy beside him I don't know. He hands me something telling me to take it and read it. I notice he moves it in a way everyone can see what it is but me. I take it and realize what it and see the photos of me naked on the front lawn of the Grey home.
If you don't leave now you are in violation of these restraining orders. You have been served and if you don't leave all the information in these files will be released publicly. She lunges for me and I duck and she falls on her face. Two security cuff her and wait for the police to arrest her. I look at her fingernails and realize what kind of danger she could be. I think she could have sliced my jugular open with those things.
Policeman Davis
I hear a screaming woman and run into the GEH lobby thinking a woman is being hurt. I see a woman on the floor in handcuffs and papers and photos of a naked woman thrown about near her and restraining orders by her.
I tell Davis everything and the reason she is on the floor is she tried to assault Sawyer.
She sure did and after I gave her that file along with serving her the restraining orders, which she took from me. Then she lunged at me and look at those fingernails, she could gave cut my jugular open with those. I feared for my life.
Yes I can see where you would be fearful of those talons. Okay let's get all the photos up. I look at policewoman Dent and she gets the photos and then the papers as I pull the woman up and Taylor tells me she is in violation of those restraining orders after being handed them she still refused to leave the premises.
Policewoman Dent
The restraining orders were in effect yesterday. You gave them to her and informed her what they were and she refused to leave after that?
I sure did and she lunged at me and missed falling on the floor. We have cctv footage of whole incident.
Okay, if we need that footage who do I need to call to get it?
I can get it for you miss Dent. Here is my number, just call me and I will give it to you.
Thanks for your help. We take the prisoner and her files and other possessions and put them in the car.Davis reads her the Miranda rights and we head to the police station to book her. Davis puts in in the back seat and I have her possessions in a plastic bag, a big one. Between her folder and her huge purse, he'll she could have beaten them with the purse alone. I guess looking at it I believe it is worth two months of my rent. Maybe more.
I hated leaving Adam behind, but I have things to do in Seattle and Adam has to go back to work. Plus Christian is unhappy with me.
Alexandria has caused more issues besides actually trying to get into the building for the party. Adam drives me to the airport and tells me to call after I land.
I am going to miss Mia and I want her to call me often. After driving her to the airport and watch as the GEH jet flies away, I go back to work.
I see that Alexandria sold her gallery and moved out of her apartment. I definitely need to do some digging after seeing a younger version of the woman in the photos. The baby looked like the mother, so I think these photos are supposed to be given back to her. But I wasn't given any information and no instruction about the photos or who they are. I thought it might be who the other trust is for. I think the attorney said six months and they will be 21 and get their share of the inheritance.
I watch as Taylor and Sawyer approach Alexandria in the lobby and Sawyer does as he is told, then she lunges at him and he moves so she can't hurt him. She fall flat in her face. I see she has put in weight in all the wrong places. The two security guards watching all this finally handcuff her. Wow she still has those talons. I can't see how she is able to paint with those.

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