Kate's Ideas

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I started a group for abused children to join anonymously. We started getting together through an on line site. I decided to take a few psychology courses and then asked Mrs Grace Grey if she would feel comfortable helping me with answering questions without knowing who the victim was. At first she was very reluctant. But saw the huge number we were getting asking questions and decided to help out. She would definitely answer their questions also under an anonymous name. We never truly know if we have saved these children or not, but when one day Grace found herself in a situation that there was doubt she knew the victim. She couldn't share that information due to hippa laws and he agreement with us to keep everything anonymous. I witnessed her go through a huge range of emotions over what she had learned. The child involved was brought into the ER earlier that day and she treated her along with an OB/GYN. A 13 year old nine months pregnant was beaten up and raped by the father of her baby and she was found in a snow bank by a passerby. Her mother had sold her to the fifty year old drug dealer. She gave birth to a ten pound baby boy by c section. Her internal bleeding caused her to have a total hysterectomy. After three more victims we had stopped and she hugged me and said she hopes that we can get this 13 year old to the next step. As bad as I had it, this girl had it so much worse, dad and Gail had saved me and my sons are safe. This poor girl had no one to save her, not yet that is. If it is the last thing I do I want to save this girl and her son. I don't know how, but I am going to find out how.
Sophie wants to do more to help these victims and to give them a safe haven to recover from what life has thrown at them. I decide to see if I can get some ideas from Elliott about finding a building or a place we can build a safe haven for young victims of abuse to safely recover. He said it is a tricky situation and his mom and dad could be of help with it.
You do know that Anastasia was a victim of abuse and might be willing to get involved in this as well. The charity she started is helping young abuse victims. Right now they haven't been getting a lot of young victims to come forward. We can talk to her and get together with Sophie and provide the victims the information about her programs and keep everything anonymous on every level until they are brave enough to testify against there abusers. I know a place that would be perfect and the owner will donate the property to assure these victims have what they need to get through their trauma.
Elliott came and asked me to do something charitable and I laughed, because I try to do charitable things. This required me donating a plot of land close to the hospital. A prime piece of real estate in a decent location. I listened and finally called Anastasia and we got our heads together and then we pulled in other family members. This will be given its name by Sophie Taylor who got the ball rolling on helping young victims anonymously. Mom and dad will help on guidelines we have to follow to assure we follow legal aspects. Anastasia started a victims charity and it was looking for something better to provide more help. This is a start.
Elliott asked me input on what he could do to get input from victims who became handicapped from violent acts feel less awkward about seeking help and what we could do to assure someone would find a safe haven to attract victims to come forward. He said self defense classes and a gym where they can go and get out all that anger on inanimate objects instead of people. I told him to let me know if I coukd get involved and he was hoping I would.
Kate and I talk to Sophie, Taylor and Gail about our ideas and how she can assist in getting this going once the building is up and running. She can give them the building location and gently persuade them. They wanted to discuss this with Sophie before she made her decision about getting involved any further. The next day she is on board, as long as her name is not mentioned. She wants to work behind the scenes. But will give the victims an safe alternative to go to feel safe no questions asked.
I will make sure you also get the information and will give it to you after we decide what you feel will make victims willing to go to the place for any assistance we can provide for them. We won't do a grand opening or anything that will alert people to what is really happening in the new building. You will be our word of mouth and give out simple panthers with the address and phone numbers to ask questions. That way no one will know what the place is really doing. We will work something out somehow.
I will think of something and get with everyone about what it is and go from there. If a victims abuser finds something with a way of contacting or going to the address no one will feel safe there any longer. I will think about a way and ask dad what he thinks about how to put the address and numbers out there so the abusers don't find it and it is going to be a hard problem to solve.
Barney might have a way to get around this, you should talk to him about it.

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