Spring Wedding

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I watch as Kate is finally ready to walk down the aisle to marry Elliott Grey. Donald is waiting to walk her down the aisle. It has been a hard route getting here. Eamon and Ethan have been distraught about not being involved in the wedding. Kate finally had to invite them as guests to appease them, but they had to sign an agreement to not harass and females or they would be removed and would not be invited to any future family events. The agreements were notarized and come with a monetary punishment if they broke the agreements. Carrick wrote them up.
It was easy to agree to walk Kate down the aisle to Elliott Grey and give her away. What was difficult was getting the evil eye from Eamon and Ethan. If they had been better men they would not be just guests at the wedding. Eamon attempted to sit in my spot by Enid, he was very quietly asked to go to the spot he was told to sit in as well as Ethan.
It was an emotionally draining time for us all. Kate had to make hard choices and follow through with them, even though she wished things were different. Her father and brother were invited as guests and she forced them to sign legal. documents making them agree to leave all the females alone or make financial concessions and be removed from the wedding and the reception. Dad decided to help with that. She just felt so guilty not having them at least see the wedding.
My dress was one I had made especially for me. The dress was white lace over pale pink silk material. It had little lavender flowers in the bodice, collar and trim. The maid of honor Anastasia wore a lavender dress with lace overlay. The bridesmaids Amelia and Mia wore a pale pink dress with lavender flowers on them. The wedding cake matched our flowers and the colors. Elliott found someone to create a bride and groom cake topper. It had me carrying him. At first I was not thrilled until he pointed out it would be one of a kind. He had them use our colors in the outfits on them. They matched the cake and wedding clothing, right down to my shoes. Anastasia threw me a bachelorette party and Christian threw Elliott one. Apparently Jordan was the life of that party. His therapy is working very well, he has been able to walk a little at a time. His ex fiancé showed up and tried to get back with him. Amelia was lied to by her about what he said to her. Matilda threw the girl off the property. She just wanted to meet Christian or Elliott. Amelia realized how much she really cared about Jordan that day and so did he. They at first avoided each other, but a week later he went to get her from the main house. They are still working things out, but they are dating now. He is a groomsman. Christian is best man. The ceremony went smoothly and Mia caught the bouquet, Christian caught the garter belt. Anastasia told me she doesn't think she wants to get married or have kids. She's having great sex with Christian and she is happy with the status quo. Mia is doing the long distance thing with Adam Cross. He arrived last night and is a groomsman as well. When I saw the cake finally, I laughed. He also had the bridesmaids and groomsman in various drunken poses. The best man and maid if honor were posed in an intimate way. It was a good thing the cake was huge and it was designed to display it all. Then he brought out the real cake. The one I chose. His pranks can keep everyone laughing, it's a good thing I have a great sense of humor. We had a blast on our wedding day. Then we got full use of one of Christian's jets. He paid for a honeymoon for us. Anastasia paid for a new kitchen for our home. One like hers. Plus cooking lessons for me and Elliott. Everyone laughed and said that poor cooking instructor.
Enid was so thrilled about Elliott and Kate getting married and us being in laws. I agreed they both chose well. She told me how Anastasia helped Elliott get his first date with Kate and it took some convincing and threatening to kick Elliott's butt if he mistreated Kate. I laughed and the remembered how Anastasia was a fighter and survived an attack trying save a baby. That is how she came into our lives. Taylor saw her unconscious and bleeding in the street outside of Escala. Amazing how life turns out. She was friends with Kate and Mia, but we never met in person because her schedule was so tight.
When I saw the cake I laughed and thought Elliott is going to die on his wedding day. Then they finally brought the real cake. The one she actually ordered. We had plenty of cake and we had the caterers take it to the homeless shelter. Elliott and Kate ordered extra so they could assure the homeless got more than cake. I met Adam Cross finally. Nice guy and worth nearly as much as Christian. He is very charming and no doubt he cares for Mia deeply, but I get the feeling the long distance thing is wearing on both him and Mia.
I brought a date with me to the wedding Robert Davis a local attorney. Jordan has met him and liked him, but he wants me to be careful and get to know him well. Jordan did a great job of standing and walking, but he is in his wheelchair after an hour. He did very well. Amelia is sitting on his lap and they are on the dance floor. I get photos of him smiling and being happy.
Amelia and I are getting closer and enjoying each other's company, but we aren't making any promises yet. She looks great in the dress they chose for her. I am glad we decided to bring my new wheelchair. It is more accommodating to all environments. I made it an hour standing and walking. Mom's date is not someone I would see her being more than friends with. I have a feeling he might be one of the people trying to get close to her so he can get close to the Grey family. It wouldn't be the first time.
I start getting our luggage into the car and infirm our security we are leaving.
I say goodbye and thank everyone for everything and see Elliott waving me to come in it's time to leave. We finally make it to the jet.
I can't believe Christian bought this island and wants me to check the homes and come back and remodel them later this year so they are able to be used by handicapped people. We are going to be here a month which will be plenty of time for fun and working up designs as well.

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