Vegas (sex)

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Christian woke me up too early and made me shower for the trip we are going on. He hands me coffee. Taylor and Gail are in the front of the car waiting on us. I fall asleep since it us still dark outside. We arrive at Christian's jet and we get seated and I go back to sleep again.
Jordan asked dad for his blessing to marry Amelia and he got it. He called me to get a ride to Vegas after hearing my plans to go myself. So we have Gail and Jason as witnesses. I am surprised he isn't bringing his mom to see him get married. But I am not bringing mine. I look at Anastasia and hope she marries me.
I just hope Amelia marries me. Mom seems to think she will marry me. I hope to be married before we leave Vegas. Christian is surprising Anastasia as well. He didn't need to get her father's blessings. She has no family that she us aware of. I had both parents until dad was injured and died in route to the hospital.
I am awakened by Sawyer and Ryan and told that Christian needs me to join him on his trip this morning. I try to pack, but they stop me and tell me Christian is supplying everything. They allow me to shower and get my makeup bag. I throw casual clothing on. We get to the jet and I see Christian, Gail, Anastasia and Jason in the front seats. I sit by Anastasia and Gail security sit down.
Christian had me hide under a blanket in the far seat near the window. He wants it to be a surprise. Now I hope I can hold off going to the restroom. I hear Amelia laughing and asking where we are headed and everyone avoids answering her questions.
We finally land and they have Amelia get out first and I dash to the restroom before I get out to see the SUV waiting to drive the rest of us to the hotel we will stay at. Anastasia and Christian are paying for the whole thing. Suits are sent to the suite I am in with all the men.
Clothes of all kinds are being brought to our suite. Gail and Anastasia are here and they send up wedding dresses and shoes. Then they send up people to make s beautiful. They wax everything and we are asked to try on the wedding dresses. All three of us are trying on the dresses in our size and laughing. They ask to take photos if the one we might wear for our weddings. All three of us are in wedding dresses, we are taken down the hall to the elevator. I ask where we are going and they tell me in the penthouse suite for a masquerade party. Everyone will be dressed as brides and grooms.
Minister Shepherd
So I am doing a surprise wedding for a couple already married and two couples who want to marry two young ladies they haven't proposed to yet? I wished you good luck on that. I look at the men and their security and ask if they are there to prevent the women from running?
No not at all. We are hoping the young ladies marry us, we won't force them to. But the Taylor's are renewing their vows. The doors open and we are all standing there looking as the ladies are given their bouquets. I step forward with the rings in my hand and ask Anastasia to marry me. Jason asks Gail to renew their vows. Then Jordan pulls the engagement ring out and asks Amelia to marry him.
Christian has the engagement ring and wedding bands looking at me nervously and says he want me as his wife and mother to our children natural or adopted foster care kids. I can only say yes to that beautiful face. Jordan and us wait for Gail and Amelia's answers. Gail nods yes to Jason.
Jordan if the kiss is as good as your surprise and proposal I will marry you. He takes me in his arms and kisses me until I can't breathe and I say well it was good, but we will practice after we get married. Yes.
We sign the marriage licenses and say the I do's and we are now all married. Christian has three wedding cakes and a fantastic meal for all of us as we get all kinds of videos and photos taken. He has had the recording everything from the beginning to the end in both suites. So we have a complete record except for the getting dressed and waxed. Matilda has somehow found out about our marriage. News travels fast no matter where you. If you are a Grey you breathe wrong and it makes the news.
I couldn't get the news about the weddings stopped. It was like a snowball rolling down hill picking up speed. Mia even got the news in some little town she is in with Adam.
I call Christian well now that all four of you are married it is time for grandchildren. Tell Amelia that as well.
Mom said to tell you to start giving her grandchildren now.
I am betting she wants them from you as well and waiting for Kate and Elliot and Mia as well, not just me lol. She said going to get some good news soon, I know something you don't know. Elliotts trip to your island to finish up the last home was fruitful in more ways than one.
Well I think it is time to go to our bungalow that your brother has reserved for us and he has clothing waiting along with personal items waiting for us. Well congratulations all us you we are heading to our sanctuary.
We walk to the elevator hand in hand and finally get to our bungalow with two security guards following us. We enter and the security locks up and goes to their rooms and lets us be alone. Jordan picks me up and Carrie's me to our bedroom.
I have wanted to make love to you since the first day I saw you.
He takes his jacket off and kisses me very gently and slowly as he pull me against him. He unzips the wedding dress and it falls to the floor and I take the veil off and slip out if the dress and then my shoes.
Are you on birth control? If not do you want kids right away? I can use the condoms we have if you want me to?
No birth control, I think kids will be great. No condoms if you want kids that is. He pulls me to him and says let's get naked and practice kissing and creating babies. We are naked in moments and he makes me quiver. He nibbles my ears and suckles my breast and I forgot to tell him I am a virgin. He soon finds out as he goes deeper inside me. He moves very gently in and out to the point I start meeting his thrusts and tighten my legs around him as I have my very first orgasm.
I realize she us a virgin and move very gently and slowly until she tightens her kegs around me and meets me thrust for thrust pushing me deeper inside her. I move to my back and pull her into my arms and hood her until we fall asleep.
I strip out if my clothing after I carry Anastasia into the suite and our security finds someplace else to be. I wanted to make love to Anastasia without anyone in the suite. I asks her if she is ready for children and she nods yes. I pull her to me and take everything off her and go to the windows and drop the blankets and pillows where we can see the view. I pull her down with me and start kissing and touching every part of her body massaging her breasts and rubbing her wet vagina and her hands rubbing my penis and I can wait and I enter her and she moans and I say let's make that baby. I thrust into her and say think about the life we are creating and she pushes me deeper inside her and we move together thrusting and thrusting as she orgasms until I feel her and my sperm join as one or hope they do. We make love all evening and night. Until we fall asleep under the blankets.
I can barely walk when I get up and grab a blanket so I can go to the restroom. If that didn't get me pregnant then I am going to get used to having a lot of sex with my husband. I smile a lot of walking bow legged.
I make sure the security teams are in place and finally take Gail and make love to her all night. Security has everything covered for a couple of days. Gail us happy we have some time together and the boys are well taken care of. Kate and Elliott are taking care of them. Grace is around if she is needed. Sophie has been pretty busy lately. I think she, Kate and Barney have figured out a way to help those kids she was trying to help. I was worried that it would expose Sophie to the abusers and I don't want that. Barney won't let her be found.
Still thinking about Kate and her suggestion?
Yes I think they are thinking of sone other way to help in another way.

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