A Wonderful Christmas

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I worked until seven on Christmas Eve and was given Christmas Day off. Jordan and I give each other gifts we both use and are happy to get as gifts. This is a bad day for us, but we are happy to have a hone to enjoy Christmas in private. I know he misses his fiancé but she dumped him when he needed her most. It has been a year and to end his engagement on Christmas Day is beyond reprehensible. Jordan already had enough bad news and she told him she couldn't be with a handicapped person. The cars are arriving for the Grey family Christmas. Jordan and I are watching things on tv and see cars unloading gifts and the Greys are welcoming their family and friends personally.
One day you will have a daughter in law, one day someone special will look past my handicap and see who I really am. Mom hugs me and says you will meet that girl and gave plenty of babies and I will love all of you. I huge her and say it will happen, just like you got this for us, I will overcome this and find someone special who sees underneath all this at the man I truly am.
Grace and I greet family and friends and we have placed the mistletoe in it's usual spot. Angela is holding onto Cassandra very firmly. I am amazed how things turned out for these two. After everything that happened they found each other out of near tragedy. Grace said things happen to change peoples lives all the time.
Everyone has finally arrived and I make sure everyone goes through the doorway and under the mistletoe. Elliott and Kate have been blocking the path under the mistletoe. I shoo them off and Carrick catches me under it. A quick kiss won't hurt, but it turned into a longer one. We hear a voice ask to come through and see Elliott and Kate trying to get through. We move and get dinner on the table with everyone helping.
Grace actually has a high chair for Angela to sit in. The tables are all set nicely and things are passed around the table. Just a few staff are serving things. Actually we are eating a catered meal. We finish up and the left overs are put away and the caterers leave after they are paid. Each got an extra envelope. After they opened the envelopes they thanked the Greys over and over again and they were escorted to the door and then their catering truck. Angela loved her meal. Grace made sure a child's meal was created for Angela. Then I recall she is a Pediatric surgeon.
We make it an early day and they give us gifts. We gave Carrick and Grace a nice bottle of wine. We were told no gifts, but a bottle of wine seemed more like a gift for the host and hostess of a dinner party than a Christmas gift. Angela was asleep when we left for home. We have gifts waiting for each other and for Angela.
I catch Anastasia under the mistletoe and give her a nice long kiss. I have invited her to New York to watch the balls drop from my penthouse. Her and Kate are coming along with Elliott and I. This is the longest I have dated a woman ever, Elliott as well.
I can't believe he kissed me like that in front of everyone. We are going to New York for New Years Eve to watch the ball drop. We have went out a few times and had a lot of fun while we weren't being harassed by his love struck fans. I really doubt if he were just good looking that he would get that much attention. I do believe that I see dollar signs in quite a few of those women's eyes. He says the same thing. They are absolutely rude to me, some even followed me to the restroom and they thought because I am small they can bully me. Honey I learned how to fight and defend myself on the streets. You were busy getting manicures and pedicures. All I need to do is rip those fake nails off your finger that you keep pointing and poking at my shoulder and you are in agony. Since I have my own nails and they are kept nice and trimmed. I can assure that you can't hurt me in the same way, plus you are trying to stop the bleeding if I do it right. Christian sent a female bodyguard to watch over me and came in when she heard the scream of agony. He saw one of his exes watching and then following me decided to have miss McIntyre assure my safety.
My date fell through and so did Tia's I am looking at the stupid present I bought him and the fact he broke up with me a week ago. Amelia says it is because he is one of those guys who don't want to buy a present for me. She says if he is like that he will get back together and then break up before Valentine's Day and so on and so on.
I dump those guys before they pull that crap on me. Which is why I don't have my date with me today. They expect to get a gift on their birthday though. An expensive one. They think because my brother is a billionaire that I am one as well.
Yes me as well. Or they want to meet him and introduce him to their single sister. That and they want something else from you. A few think if they marry you they will be rich as well. I tell them my dad and brother's have an airtight prenuptial agreement waiting for any guy wanting to marry me. He would only leave the marriage with what he brought to it. Anything earned together as a couple would be divided equally. My assets can't be touched by him.

Authors Note:
Changed Tia to Amelia I hope to correct it in all future chapters. Sorry for the typos.

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