Grandpa Taylor

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Dad made the creepy man who did this to is in jail. Mom took all my ways to contact dad away from me, he finally forced her to allow me to come. She either do it or face some issues with the law. She knew what had happened and turned a blind eye to it. Well now I am going to be a mother at 14 because of her promiscuous ways. She brought pedophiles into our home pretending to be something they weren', a good person. Dad and Gail take me to see the doctor regularly to make sure the baby and I are okay. Dad wants to know if I think I want to raise the baby, if not he and Gail can adopt the baby and raise it as my sibling. My labor was hard and long and difficult. The doctor said because of my age it would hard on me to give birth. Even more so since apparently I had twins. We had prepared for only one child. They got another set of things for the identical boy. I was given the chance to name the boys, but I chose not to. Dad and Gail adopted them and their names are Charles Jason Taylor and David Christian Taylor. I was given rules to live by and told the rules I would have to follow. My school wouldn't allow pregnant girls. Anastasia volunteered to help me get my education and helped me get my GED. I might not go to regular school, but she helped me pass the GED and started me in college courses. Gail taught me to cook meals and I helped her when I wasn't learning anything on line. I will not have a normal teen life because of a pedophile and the mother who allowed such a man near me. No one treated me badly at dads and his boss made sure dad and Gail had everything they needed for me and the boys including a manny and bodyguards. Mom lost all rights to me, because she put me in danger. I am glad she lost custody of me. Dad asked if I wanted to be adopted by Gail. It would prevent mom from getting me back if dad passed away. I accepted and was adopted on my 15th birthday. I got my GED at 16 and then got my drivers license. Gail allowed me to drive us to the grocery store with two bodyguards, they recommended that I take defensive driving training and dad actually gave in and allowed it. Talk about a rush. I got out and train regularly. My driving scores were perfect when I got my operators license.
My grandsons are healthy and that is all that counts. They look nothing like Sophie or us. Auburn hair with dark brown eyes and a smattering of freckles as well on their faces and arms. They are cute, but without seeing a DNA test I know they have the right man in jail for his rape of my daughter. Gail thinks my insisting Sophie get on birth control is a bad idea. So for now I gave in. But she goes on them if she invites any boy to anywhere. A bodyguard goes everywhere she does as well.
I understand Jason wanting to protect his daughter especially after what her mother allowed to happen to her. The boys grew and before we knew it Sophie was driving and had her GED and taking college courses. She missed normal teen years and grew up faster than she was supposed to. But we try to keep her feet on the ground. Her grades are great and she has all kinds of help around her. She decided to get into computers and software technologies and then she found robotics. She heard Barney had been a whiz kid at all things high tech in regards to computers.
Charles and David are dolls. Now if I can get a few grandchildren I will be happy. Jason has two auburn haired, brown eyed and freckled little grandsons who are considered his sons by law. Amelia is the one I think might give me grandchildren first. She is going back to school to be a physical therapist. I think it was because of Jordan who is now walking most of the time. He might go back to work and find a place if his own. I am sure Amelia has became very attached to him. I just hope it is mutual. I saw them dancing in the garden the other night. Matilda says they are very close as friends, but she hasn't seen any kissing yet. She and I chuckle and decide not to interfere at this point that is
I have helped Sophie get her operators license and now I wished I hadn't been involved in her training. I hate ratting her out, but it is my job we are talking about here and I can't have her running around with teenagers and risking her getting in with a bad crowd. So I stop her and call Jason about her activities and he needs to help me rein her in. He sends 3xtra people to pick her up after she is grounded. all her gadgets are taken away until she starts acting correctly and running around the mall is not a good idea.
As bad as it is for Sophie to have been raped at barely 14 years old, she still needs to have rules enforced and they are for her safety. We set rules up for safety and to assure that they know where she is at all times. We worked hard to get her away from her poor excuse of a mother. Her mother was lucky that we didn't go after to the fullest extent of the law. We definitely did that to the father of the sons. The DNA matched and like the scum he is he denied the boys were his. He said that we forged the test.

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