Wedding Receptions

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We apparently aren't the only obese who married without family present. Taylor and Gail renewed their vows. Christian and Anastasia married and the surprise marriage is Jordan and Amelia got married. They show us the video of the weddings and the proposals. Three wedding receptions and a wedding renewal. It was a grand event for us all. Friends families and an announcement of not one but two babies joining the family.
Adam is apparently pretty potent. I am pregnant after a month of marriage I became pregnant. He is proud as a peacock. His mother and father aren't thrilled, but his grandparents are. They are at the party in Seattle, but his parents decided they can't be bothered meeting a family of a woman who Dam will be divorcing soon so he can marry the one they want him to marry. Shelly Farmer heiress to the Farmer fortune. Francis Cross demanded I abort the baby and divorce Adam immediately. His father had some things to say and I refuse to repeat them. My family would destroy him and her if I told them what he said to me. Adam heard it and told his grandparents and now his parents have been disinherited. Gaylord call me a slut gold digging bitch in heat that got knocked up to get the Cross fortune. Adam said that want the marriage to miss Farmer so they could gain control over her and anything she could get from him and she was willing to lie cheat, steal and forge to get it.
We decide to enjoy ourselves as we arrive with my grandparents and security. What I didn't count on was my parents arriving. Ma already told her family what was said to her. Shelly is with them and brought her parents. I whisper to security to make sure Mia is safe. I call Christian and he doubles security around us without my parents, or Shelly and her parents knowing. My grandparents have their own security. What no one knows is that my will and my grandparents wills are already on file with the courts and can't be changed Three attorneys have the wills on file and on their computers. We did that along with our wills. Carrick has an original of all the documents and so does an attorney no one knows about. If anything happens she will come forward if needed.
I get more security and send them to protect Adam, Mia and the elderly crosses from the Farmers and Adam's parents. They wee not invited at all. I could have them removed, but I don't want to cause a scene yet. I want them to make a move so we can charge them. There is no doubt they will try to hurt Mia. So three females have been positioned to where they can assure her safety. I tell Mia and Adam and he tells his grandparents.
The tension is noticeable as Jason makes a call and extra security appears in party wear. I know they are security, but most don't. This party has it all the good the bad, and the ugly. Ugly and bad need to leave. Sophie and the boys are oblivious to the drama. I have to say since Sophie has been working along side Jordan and the other technicians and getting her college credits there that she has had less nightmares and seems more at peace within herself. Even grace has said she noticed a difference in her. Kate, Jordan and Anastasia have been making sure she is kept safe at all times. Security also watches out for her. Right now we want her to start living her life and get a college degree and try to be the person who she is meant to be beyond the damaged young girl. She has all kinds of support around her. I watch as the Cross and Farmers try to destroy Mia and Adam's marriage. Mia and Adam keep his grandparents close to them and avoid his parents. Shelly and her parents keep trying to get Adam alone though. Grace and Carrick are keeping them close by. We are on Christian and Anastasia's properties and it is a wonderful party. Four wedding cakes and food that we all love. Presents were brought. Two pregnancies were announced as well. Mia and Kate. It was great. Charles and David are visiting with Elliott, they love being around him because he can be like a big kid. Jason is very good with the boys, but he takes his parenting role seriously so he has to be father and I have to be mother to them. Elliott has the freedom to be friend to them. He is more like a big playmate for them. I think he would be different if he was their father though. He would need to balance the fun parent with the adult responsible for their safety and behavior. It is a tricky balancing act.
Elliott is having a lot of fun with Charles and David, but they can get a little rambunctious and need to be calmed down. He definitely is going to be a great father to this baby, he will just change once he has the fragile baby in his arms. The boys are going on four years old. So they are able to be played with and he is like a big kid at times. One of the reasons I fell in love with him. He lives his life without a care at times, but he works hard to make us a living. Okay he has built a multi million dollar company that is still expanding across the US. Now international as well. He got more work after he got recognized for all the work done on Christian's homes on the island. He made several magazines because of the kind of work he did on them. The work he did on his parents house and Anastasia's house got him awards. He also went in and remodeled it to make all areas accessible to handicapped people. Special modifications for various types of handicapped people. Because of that it opened up other companies to recognize they were overlooking these talented people in the workforce. With Jordan he has opened up better designs and offered to them at every chance he could. I have to say my husband is a good man.
All our children are now married, Matilda us now our in law. She said a long time ago if Amelia and Jordan got married she will be family, but she is still our employee. We made a new agreement with her and if it ever becomes an issue we can find her a new position. But I don't see that happening ever. Her work ethic is very strong.
Shelly Farmer
I see Mia heading into Anastasia's home and I decide to follow her and tell her point blank she might be married to him now, but I am going to change that.
I slowly enter the house right after Shelly and text Sawyer and Douglas that we have an issue. I inform them that Shelly has followed Mia into Anastasia's house. I watch as Shelly hides behind the door to the restroom. She has something in her hand. I can't see it, so I take a video if it and forward it on to Douglas. Sawyer walks in and comes from another direction and grabs the item out if Shelly's hands. The police are asked to come and remove miss Farmer along with her parents off the property and then escort Adams parents off the property. The video is proof that Shelly was going to hurt Mia. She had a billy club in her hand waiting for Mia to come from the restroom. It has her prints all over it. Luckily we were able to quietly escort her and the other four off the property. Carrick ordered filed restraining orders against all five of them.
After they removed the Farmer family and my parents from the party we relaxed and enjoyed ourselves and the celebration of two new babies and three new couples and the marriage renewal of Jason and Gail Taylor. Shelly will spend time for what she intended on doing and restraining orders. are being sought agains my parents and the Farmers. Carrick reached out to my attorneys in New York to get them in place there as well. I hold Mia in my arms and my grandparents weren't surprised they would do this. They brought more than that billy club the police insisted on searching all five of them. They all ended up in jail for what they had on their persons.
I was pretty angry to know someone was going to try to kill my baby sister. I found out after they removed five people from the party.
Adam decided to work from Seattle until he and Mia's baby was born. His grandparents are going to stay here as well. It is a safety issue at this point. He has alerted his staff that the Former family and his parents are not allowed in any of the Cross properties ever again, except their own home.
Adam asked me to track all his and the Farmers activities on line and block anything to do with any Cross companies and accounts.
Barney asked me for authorization to help Adam out. I tell him not to use anything that will link our computers in anyway. He says he knows how to handle this completely away from a Seattle server. He has a way to do things that will look like it is from an obscure IP address. I give him the okay to work his magic.
I see the seriousness on Christian's face as Barney walks away and goes back to his girlfriend. To look at Barney and his girlfriend Alicia you would never think they are nerds of the highest caliber and Christian found them by accident at a tech convention. They look like models from  a fashion magazine. Apparently they modeled at one time just to earn money to buy their high tech systems originally. Now they build their own. He hugs me and says I need some alone time with you. We sneak over to his house and find Elliott and Kate had the same idea. We ignore them and go to our bedroom and lock the doors.
After an hour we reappear at the party. Elliott grins at us as he hugs Kate. I tell him to buy his own home near by.
We already have we have Anastasia surrounded now. Grey's on both sides of her.

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