Mia Cross

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I am just not sure how to feel about Mia getting married without telling anyone. We woke up to the news of Mia warning us about the newspaper article of her getting married to Adam Cross. She said it all happened so fast that they didn't have the time to stop and call anyone about their marriage. He had to go out of the country and wanted her with him so they got everything done very quickly. So she is calling between flight delays while his jet is being refueled and a change of flight crews.
I send my family the wedding photos and the marriage certificate along with my new passport. The passport was pushed through changing to my new name. Adam was raked over the coals by all kinds of people for the impromptu wedding. They demanded I sign an agreement to not take half of everything Adam has if we divorce. Adam jerked them around a little bit about it. He has had a prenuptial agreement ready to go since he became a billionaire. I read it and it is very fair to me. If he cheats I get a huge settlement. If I cheat I don't get any of his money. Children are a separate issue entirely. That was a more complicated agreement.
Mia made a beautiful bride and she agreed to most if the prenuptial agreement, but not all of it. Like since I want her to be a stay home wife, she will be compensated for it. I can tell her skills at negotiating are excellent. The children agreement we have finally ironed out an agreement that is equitable for both of us. We nearly called it quits several times until the other conceded and agreed to terms. Usually me. I got a call before I saw the news and gave Mia a heads up so she could call her family and warn them about the news of our marriage being announced all over the US and soon worldwide. Her security warned us this would happen and they were right. We headed to Japan for a meeting to work out a few disputes and to possibly a company there. Then we have four more countries to go to. Then if we have time we will have a honeymoon. The engagement ring is still being sized and the wedding bands are my grandparents. Luckily the bands fit. The wedding dress is a white dress and my suit was black and the judge and his staff were the only ones at our wedding. My jet has two tiny beds, but we made due with what we had.
I can't believe Mia, I knew when she brought Cross to meet us there was something there. Christian knows him better than us and he said he works fast when he makes his mind up about things, he just didn't think it would include getting married. But he knows he would not just marry on a whim.
It really isn't surprising to hear the marriage news. At least to me. When Mia packed up to go to New York I knew where she would end up. Her security confirmed she moved in with Adam and didn't get an apartment or stay at my apartment. I was hoping she would be honest with us and tell us, but she is an adult. I am glad it worked out for them though. Now she has to handle his family and the press. Then her own family. I wished them good luck and have a good idea for a wedding gift.
Well Christian and I are the only ones left to get married. Christian is basically living with Anastasia at this point. Jordan and I haven't even kissed yet. Matilda thinks he wants to get his life in order. I think he is still having trouble trusting anyone with his heart. I am working as a physical therapist now and have heard a lot of stories about girlfriend and boyfriends and even spouses and parents not able to handle being with their handicapped relatives and or spouses and fiancés. They just leave them without looking back. Then there are the handicapped ones who drive others who try to help away. I had to take some psychology courses to help me handle those situations all while trying to get the person some use of whatever they need back.
Amelia and I are still friends and I am ready to ask for more, but I don't want hurt by her or anyone again. Mom told me that Amelia isn't going to leave no matter what.
If you want a life with her make a life with her now. If you are afraid of being left again then you will never get someone who will stay no matter what. Amelia is a stayer and has reached out from the first time she saw you. She was raised very well and has been there with you all the way with no expectations from you and given her friendship freely. You should think what it is you want from her if it is just friendship then say that, but say it soon. Let her find a husband or become that husband. I want grandchildren and so does Grace.
Kate isn't pregnant yet? I figured those two would be popping out babies like bunnies.
No bunnies yet lol. Think a long time about what it us you want from your life and if you want a future with Amelia as your wife. She isn't settling for you, she would never have approached you had she not found you attractive and interesting. You know you feel the same, so marry the girl already. Use my engagement ring and ask her or have the diamonds set in a different mounting. I hand him the engagement ring and his dad and my wedding bands. Now you gave my blessing now get Carrick's as well.

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