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Emily Pascal
I am glad I am finally out of the hospital. I gave my baby up for adoption. At 13 I had to think what was best for both of us. Somehow my mom got me back, I wonder what lies you told them yet again. A girl in therapy at the hospital told me about someone who has been through a lot herself and let's you vent without judgements or advice. So I decide to reach out to her. That was two weeks ago and she convinced me to find a constructive outlet for my anger. She said she was lucky that her father and step mother were there for her and still are. I don't feel anyone has my back. I can no longer have children thanks to a cruel man and an drug addicted mother. She stayed off the drugs long enough to get me back home. She's back at it again and sold me again. I got away this time. I went to the building they opened as a temporary place for victims to go and be safe. The eventual place will be big and have all kinds of help and other ways to provide help to all victims male and female. At first I was worried that they would report me. But we are given numbers and nit names. They provide so much and will provide more.
I ran into Emily, but acted like I had no idea who she was. I do tell her that her son was placed with a wonderful couple and is doing well. I told her that was all I could tell her. I show her what we are doing as far as being able to get anger out. I take my anger out on a dummy hanging up. I swing a soft bat at it over and over because I can't prevent children from being abused. I hand her the bat and she starts beating the dummy over and over until her tears start flowing. I help her go get some water and let her breathe in and out. She relaxes and asks if she will ever feel normal? I tell her normal is different for everyone. One day you will realize to move on you need to out that anger into getting a better life than you had and have now.
My caseworker finally put me in a good foster care home, thanks to dr Grey. Jason and Gail Taylor are great foster parents. They have three children. Two five year old sons and Sophie who is rarely home. It turns out that mr Taylor is dr Grey's sons head of security. Mr Grey has a wonderful wife who is very pregnant now. Dr Grey is about to get three grandchildren all about a month apart from each other. I am still adjusting to everything. Mom tried to get me back, but they don't seem to think she is being honest about doing drugs and turning tricks. I finally meet Sophie and her voice sounds familiar, but I let it go. She was asked to set up on line classes so I can get my GED. She doesn't ask me much but what things I am interested in. She wants to help me get my GED and maybe get some college courses out if the way. I stay to myself for the most part and finally I am given a birthday party and a gift. I don't recall getting anything in my birthday or the day being recognized as something to celebrate.
Emily is hard to reach and we are trying, but she is working hard on getting her GED like Sophie did. Sophie is going to go into psychiatry along with her IT abilities. The boys like her, but they know when she needs alone time. The day the court took her parents rights away from them was a mixed up day for her. She needed tine with the dummy and the soft bat. We drove her so she could beat the hell out of the dummy at safe haven. She is now eligible for adoption. Jason is having mixed feelings about it, but I know he will come around and adopt her.
I talk to Carrick about adopting Emily and he tells me that I can handle it and she needs a stable home like ours. I chuckle and ask him to find out if we can adopt her. We need to ask her if she wants us as her parents.
Mr and Mrs Taylor asks me if I would consider allowing them the honor of adopting me. I have been here for nearly a year and have started going to events. I look at the apprehension on their faces and finally ask what being adopted entails exactly. They tell me that I would be their daughter legally and my parents can no longer have any rights to me. I still have the same rules and have to follow them. But my last name will be Taylor. I finally say that I would like that. I will be part if a family if six now. Who are considered family to so many more. We have all kinds of personalities in the family and extended family. I found out that Sophie was the one who got me to safe haven. She keeps a low profile on the being the anonymous helper. She never talks about what I said to her and never will. We are sisters now and I was her foster sister, before that we have never met. She still does that and is becoming a psychiatrist. She told me she was also a victim of her mother's boyfriend and says very little about it after that. My adopted mother adopted her, my adopted dad is her real father. We have became close and she has told me she got help from Anastasia to get her GED and learned and trained IT for GEH and has changed directions now. When the adoption was final a party was thrown for me. My adopted parents, the Grey family, the moss family, and the Cross family. Adam and Mia had twin boys Adam Jr, David the third were born three weeks ago, Sari and Daisy were born after three hours of labor and Elliott passing out at having twin girls and all the blood. Anastasia and Christian failed to make it to the hospital and Gail and I had to calm mr Grey down. Gail delivered Theodore Raymond Grey and Cameron Elliott Grey all screaming loudly. The ambulance finally arrived and everyone got to the hospital safely. A month after my party the final touches were put in the huge safe haven building and finally opened up. Anastasia cried at seeing it finally opened. She was thrilled, but I didn't know that she donated a big part of her inheritance to get it created. We also found out that Amelia and Jordan are now having their first child. Grace handed me a photo of a toddler riding in a horse drawn carriage in an unfamiliar place. She whispers, they wanted you to know what he looks like and is healthy and you gave them a such a wonderful little human being. I hugged her and thanked her. She us the grandmother I wished I had had.

The Farmers were arrested for fraud and Adams parents were in it with them. All five tried to hack into Cross servers but were caught and then they found enough to put the away for life.
Raymond Steele still keeps a distance but watches from afar as his grandsons grow.
I have told security that the man they spotted is to be left alone, because he is protecting his family. The plastic surgery didn't go well after he was shot. So he wears a mask all the time. It is sad he can't enjoy being around his daughter and his grandchildren.. He can't talk and recently he sent me a message and told me he has only a few months to live. He asked me to make sure they are safe and he wants to be buried in the Grey family graveyard if I can do it. Carrick and I buried Raymond Steele next to Carla Steele who Anastasia had buried in the Grey graveyard. The doctors were wrong about his time left. He died two weeks later. We got him buried quickly and told Anastasia we finally found his body.
The end hope you enjoyed the story.

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