Todd Nelson

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Something Anastasia said got me thinking, Barbara never prepared the bottles or the diaper bag and suddenly she did. Anastasia was the one who took care of Angela. I am not going to say what I am really thinking, but I am going to get to the bottom of this. If Anastasia did this I will crucify her, but I saw photos of her head injuries there is no way she did that to herself. A police report stated she was found in the street by Escala and got the witnesses names and a number to call. I think I will get that number and call him personally. I think I will check all the calls to and from Anastasia and Barbara's phones. Plus emails and home phone calls. Photos of Angela have been shown since her disappearance. I believe Anastasia about what happened. Something isn't right about this whole thing. I never really understood why Barbara needed a nanny, because she doesn't work and she could be taking care of Angela herself. We hired Anastasia to start as soon as Angela was born. Most of the photos were of Anastasia holding the baby next to me and Barbara. I thought it was because of postnatal depression.
I got a lead, I went to where she was last seen with the diaper bag and followed the cars from before and after and there is only two vehicles and one was a delivery truck. It was there at the building they found the diaper bag. They failed to print the diaper bag. The delivery was made to the penthouse a huge supply of things for a baby. The delivery guy said the woman's cousin was there and running from an abusive husband. So she needed things for a month old baby. He never saw the cousin or the baby. Cassandra Blake she was recently divorced from Joshua Blake because he cheated and married his pregnant girlfriend. I pulled her credit card purchases and the delivery time, she has no cousins. I think we have a winner in the lost and found category. Well miss Steele should be happy the baby so far is safe. But whoever was behind the kidnap attempt will try again. They will backtrack just like we are. Surely this miss Blake is smart enough to think this through. Whoever is behind this knew where the baby and her nanny were at. Miss Steele and the baby were the target, if it was a kidnapping for money that would be the place to be at that time of day. Wealthier people had their Nannie's and kids there that day. People came forward to attest to how brave miss Steele was in trying to keep her charge safe after the guy hit her in the head, but she got the baby and ran. The stroller was found later, but the tracker was taken out if it. Both trackers went into the garage where miss Blake lives. One came back out. The cctv cameras stop showing miss Steele in the area where miss Blake lives and the next view is her running with something in her hands and she hid it just before she is beaten in the alley by the dumpster at Escala. Cctv footage shows her assailant leaving her unconscious and see here she drags herself to the road in front of Escala. That is where Mr Taylor and Mr Grey found her.
Sawyer calls and tells me they might have a problem, they need to have the police involved in. Barney has found out the woman in the penthouse two blocks from Escala might have the baby that was hidden by the nanny to prevent it from being kidnapped. The cops are holding miss Steele in custody in the hospital. No attorney has been allowed to speak to her, she has given a plausible explanation and they aren't providing her with proper medical treatment. I am not going to ask how you know that, but she deserves legal council and if she asked for it, anything she said after asking for an attorney is going to be thrown out.
Call my dad ask him to keep us in the loop and tell him everything that we can and see if you can get coverts on miss Blake now. The kidnapper was paid to take that specific baby, the timing of their park visit and him arriving is just too much of a coincidence. Ask him to go see miss Steele and see if she asked for an attorney, something tells me they are railroading her.
Well that worked out well, he was supposed to this quietly. This is far from quietly, now it is all over the news and Anastasia is slowly remembering things even though she got no real medical treatment. She keeps asking for an attorney and she tells the police she will be suing them and she will win. They haven't charged her and still have her cuffed to the bed, she begged to go the restroom and they just sat there. When the doctor arrived they decided to help her go to the restroom. I beg Anastasia to tell me where the baby is and she repeats exactly what she told us before. Of course I know she is telling me the truth. I also know more than the cops are looking for Angela. I had no idea he was going to screw this up this badly. Now Anastasia is being held for kidnapping, but they can't charge her for it. Todd is doing his own investigations and I have to be very careful. He goes into Angela's room and sits where he normally would, but he just holds the little lamb he bought Angela. I thought he would console me and we could console each other, but he can barely look at me. He asks me if I ever took Angela to the park or packed her diaper bag before the day she was kidnapped. He wants to know why so many bottles of formula too? What he doesn't know is I have no clue how much to pack for two hours in the park. Anastasia takes care of Angela until he comes home and he takes over.

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