Cross Industries

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Christian helped me with setting up a satellite office here in Seattle. He and Taylor got staff that they trusted help hire people to get everything up and running while I worked at home. We moved in to Anastasia's home along with my grandparents. I offered to buy 5he home and Anastasia wasn't ready to sell it yet. She said right now just to think if it as home and make sure that I really wanted to make it home before I buy it. She is thinking about the fact I have a huge home and an apartment in New York. We aren't paying room and board and stay in her huge guest rooms.
Adam asked me about buying Anastasia's house and live in it while we are here or just move the corporate offices here in Seattle. We are staying in her guest rooms and they are as big as her master bedrooms. There are plenty if bedrooms and that beautiful dining room along with all the work Elliott has done it is basically turn key except for a few rooms that I would want to paint a different color. The security systems have been updated and upgraded. I tell him it would be nice to have a home here in Seattle and this would be perfect. He wants to keep us here until the baby is born. He wants his grandparents safely away from his parents and the Farmer family. Shelly served very little time. The other four had the items on them, but didn't use them. They left as soon as Shelly was released. They were all served with restraining orders against each one of them preventing them from coming within a thousand yards from me, Adam, his grandparents and all the Grey family and now the Moss family.
I keep getting the feeling I am being followed. Mom said she thought she saw someone, but when she looked again they were gone. Dad said we probably are being watched because of what happened at the Greys. They won't let that go easily. We head back in a commercial air line. The Cross jet us no longer at our disposal. Although it is sitting on the tarmac. Adams parents are on the flight with us in economy class. They were cut off from anything related to Cross Industries.
Doris Farmer
I don't see what he sees in that Grey girl to begin with. Are you sure she us really pregnant? She probably trapped in by getting pregnant.
John Farmer
I listen to the nonsense my wife and daughter are spewing. I think it is time to cut all ties with them. I nearly lost my freedom thanks to them. Had I known they were plotting to kill Amelia Cross I would never had came with them. I made sure my attorney filed the divorce papers and Doris gets served as she gets off the plane. I tried my best to get her to give up on Shelly marrying Adam Cross. Hadley Cross and Samuel Cross wants control over Cross industries, but they were never allowed any power after they tried to get David Cross removed by a psychiatrist evaluation. The psychiatrist had his license taken from him for falsifying records stating a bunch of lies concerning his evaluation of David Cross. So while he was removed Amanda his wife filled in fir him until he came back. He couldn't accuse her of a mental breakdown as well. Once Adam became 18 he was given full control over Cross Industries and subsidiaries. They were given a stipend monthly to cover their basic expenses and nothing else. They were told to find jobs and to stay away from Adam. That is when they got Shelly involved and then my wife. They tried hard to get him to marry Shelly and tried to drug him. Christian Grey caught Shelly doing that to Adam and accidentally knocked the glass out of his hands. Adam has stayed far away from Shelly from that day on, but her mother and her want that inheritance. They also want access to Adams bank accounts. Then his parents pressed the issue of his marital status and pushed Shelly on him. He fought them tooth and nail until his grandparents got involved and stopped them, I thought. Now they are cut off completely. Shelly needs to get a job and now so does Doris. Shelly grown up and I don't have to support her or her mother. I will give her half of everything we built in our marriage, but after that my responsibility to her ends. She will be wealthy in her own right by getting half of everything from me. I was prepared for this and sold my company to Christian Grey and I sold him the patents in a separate sale. Since I owned those prior to our marriage that is not considered marital assets. Christian and I had a talk before they released the other four and I told him my side if things and he offered me an out and I took it.
John Farmer us definitely a hen pecked husband. This time he has had enough if being henpecked by not just one but three women. Hadley, Shelly and Doris are all the hens pecking and Samuel is in on it as well. We came to a nice deal before he arrived at the party. No one knew he had contacted me about selling out and getting a divorce from his wife and living the life he wants. A quiet peaceful existence and enjoying the single life with a nice nest egg to show from all the years he worked. I can't blame him for wanting that life. He was hoping he would still be married but Doris isn't the woman he met, unless she put on a major act to trap him into marrying her. She was very good at acting soon after the ink in the marriage license was dry she started ruling the roost.

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