Ashley Munson

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Ashley Munson
The last thing I recalled is seeing Elliott Grey at the Mile High Club and he was with a date. He only had a one night stand with me and never called me after that night. He had security try to get my address from me, but I wouldn't give it to them. They got my phone and found my date's number and called him. He said he was in the restroom and would drive me home. Daniel Morris got me this drunk and I don't understand how I am this drunk on one glass of wine.
Daniel Morris
I poured the wine into Ashley's glass and tried to figure a way to put this pill into her drink. A little something to rev her engines. While she us immersed in her menu I slip my hand over my wine and drop the pill. Then trade glasses without her noticing it, she sees Elliott Grey being seated at the vip table. She gulps the wine and I excuse myself and head to the restroom. Our waitress is not in a good mood after she trades places with our waiter. She was waiting on Elliott and his date, but she was asked to get someone else to wait on them. Ashley and our waitress keep staring at them. I excuse myself since food isn't arriving since we haven't ordered it yet. I get a call from Ashley's phone and a guy saying he is Grey's security and needs the home address for the young lady who owns the phone they are calling from. I tell them I am in the restroom and will get her home safely. The guy helps me get her to my car, he pays our bill and gets my name and makes me guarantee her safety. I tell him she us safe with me and he looks at me and says if I find out you took advantage of a drunk lady I will know and find you and make sure you pay for it.
Omg Daniel and I are naked in bed and this is not my home. I try to get up and find myself handcuffed to his bed. I try to get loose and wake Daniel up band tell him to unlock the cuffs. I see him laugh and say I think you will be here until I am ready for you to go. I can't believe he is going to keep me cuffed to the bed. He won't let me up. I beg him but he just goes and showers and leaves me there laying in the bed. I notice something cold and see I am on a rubber sheet.
You might not recall, but we went to high school together and I was a scrawny teen back then and you were popular and I made the mistake of bumping into you and my tray fell and it hurt your feet. You had me punished for it. I got tormented from then until my parents changed me to a different school. I had to be treated for kidney damage because of you and your punishment. Now you are going to be punished. You get a week there is water and food and your able to reach both from where you are. He moves it within reach of my hands. The chain between the cuffs is long enough to allow this movement. But I can't reach the keys to the cuffs. A friend of mine will let you go when it gets back from Barbados. I definitely didn't have sex with her, who knows what kind of disease she might have. She got around in high school it can't be any better today. I have heard she parties and has sex with a different guy every other day. I think that is an exaggeration, because she isn't that hot anymore. She looks her age plus ten years. I walk out and leave the doors unlocked and get in my car and drive away.
Oscar Jacobs
I get home and see the door us opened and I call the cops, I stay outside and wait for them to check the house. I came straight from the airport. The house was ram shacked. It looked like someone tried to rob me and did, but they must have had a party here as well. The cops call an ambulance and ask me to answer questions and I answered them and proved my whereabouts and show them my flight tickets. They bring a familiar looking woman out of my bedroom. They tell me to come with them. They arrest me and tell me I better home the young woman survives if I didn't do this she can say who did this to her.
Policeman Smith
I cuff the guy and we go to the station and he was where he said he was, his girlfriend was with him and showed her tickets and hotel receipts along with all her trip receipts including ones he used his credit cards for. I have to release him and they can't go back to the crime scene. He gives me his key to the house and realizes his spare key is missing off his key ring. He thinks about something and he tells me something odd happened recently and his keys were lost by a valet he used to go high school with, he just can't recall the guys name at this point in time.
Charlene Andrews
I can't believe this situation and we still don't know who the victim is. I know where he was and where he wasn't and I recall the odd valet, but can't recall his name but know the restaurant and it was difficult to get a reservation to it, so we left when we couldn't just walk in and get the first available table that comes free. After an hour we give up and leave, but the valet can't find his keys. It wasn't the same valet and the other one came back and acted like he found them after an half an hour. The police release Oscar and we go to my home after getting clothes for him for the night.

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