Cassandra Blake

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Cassandra Blake
I see the news and call the police to come get the baby, after thinking about it I just couldn't keep the baby knowing she is missed terribly and the nanny is being accused of being behind the kidnapping. If she were behind it why wait so long to go through with it. Her being setup is more likely. The only way through this is to return the baby, so I call my attorney and I set it up so I won't be arrested. After all it was only just now that I read about the missing baby. I would check the diaper bag, but that is gone and didn't have any information inside it. Attached or not she isn't mine, but they should know what actually happened.
Attorney Gregg Davidson
I can't believe my client has the missing baby, she found her in the diaper bag hidden away in a very safe place in her parking lot. The baby was crying loudly and she found three bottles of milk a diaper and a blanket covering the it's body. She took the bag up and empty the supplies out and took it back where she found the bag. She fed and changed the baby. After finding out she couldn't have her own baby, she wanted to keep it and had things delivered so that she could. Now she thinks her ex husband and his new wife having twins brought on her need to keep the baby and keep it safe. Temporary insanity. She also thought it was odd how it all happened. She thinks whoever left the baby knew there were no cameras to record her hiding the baby on this block and the buildings on the block. Plus none to pinpoint where she left the baby. She felt that whoever left the baby knew it would be found by a resident coming home from work. It sounded like even panicked the person thought this through until my client didn't come forward with the baby. Now I need to figure out how to handle this situation. We have no choice but to turn the baby over and now. I call Todd Nelson and tell him I found his baby and will have the baby here within the hour.
Todd Nelson
I drive to the attorneys office and hear my baby crying and the secretary takes me inside and I am greeted by a very beautiful woman holding my daughter and feeding her a bottle of milk. She hands me the baby and apologizes for keeping from us. She explains everything and I can understand why she desired to keep the baby, but the guilt finally ate at her and here she is.
The guy is very nice looking and is very comfortable with his baby. I hand him the new diaper bag and tell him I have a car seat for her as well.
I have everything I need to take her home.
He takes the bag though. Forgive me please. Whoever left the baby was hiding it from someone. We are where no cctv cameras are put in yet and the parking lot and buildings around that block have no cameras. The baby was in no real danger and from what I found out she was only there for an hour before I found her crying. Your daughter has some strong lungs on her.
She sure does and she isn't used to waiting for her needs to be met. The nanny really caters to our baby, too bad her mother can't be like that as well.
Attorney Davidson
Okay I would love if my client doesn't serve any time, but she knows that might not be possible. She waited far longer than she should have, but she came forward and did the right thing for the baby and it's parents. We can have you two work something out and possibly keep her name out of it and say an anonymous person dropped her off at your office.
We could do that, but I think I have a better story to assure the nanny is not charged for anything. My wife has terminated her employment and not looking for new nannies. I have a bad feeling that my wife had something to do with this. I found out recently that the nanny did everything for my baby and my wife just happened to make up the diaper bag that day for two hours at the park. She sent a lot of milk for the baby. The baby was fed before they left for the park. She put three bottles of milk in the diaper bag. Even an idiot would know a two trip after a feeding you wouldn't need three bottles of milk. Which my wife planned for the baby to be kidnapped and the nanny be killed in process of protecting the baby. She underestimated the nanny as far as being able to protect our baby. So I think we will say someone left the baby in my unlocked car in front of the building. You don't have cctv cameras either do you mr Davidson?
Attorney Davidson
I smile and tell him we chose the place just for that reason. Our clients love their privacy and most don't want their husbands or wives knowing they have came to my office. No cameras mean no forewarning. Right Cassandra?
He had no idea what I was up to and he never was home so Robyn and him were blindsided with being evicted when she was seven month pregnant with twins. She begged the judge to take her condition into account. He said I did and you have had your fun at his wife's expense and now you will just have to pay people to pack your things up. By the way someone will be hired by you and report to us if you take what doesn't belong to you and your soon to be husband. One item comes up missing and you miss will be the first one we look at and you will be charged and jailed for theft. He didn't know what hit him in the divorce. His new wife is still stewing she didn't get my family's homes. She thought it was all going to be hers when they married. I got half of all marital assets and we each kept the things we inherited. He inherited the engagement ring from his family. So he took it back and gave it to her, what he failed to tell the dimwit is that the big stone was a diamond. It is a white sapphire surrounded by white sapphires. Set in sterling silver. The appraiser told his new wife and she blew a gasket and accused me of switching the stones out, I showed her the insurance appraisal that came with the ring when it was given to me. She still didn't believe me, but the courts did. Robyn and Douglas Short are no longer the happy couple they were before our divorce settlement and they had to get the hell out of my home. The courts gave them the time the divorce was granted and finalized to clear out of all my homes. I had my things packed up before I divorced Douglas. Robyn was even further angered at the fact I sold my half of Short Inc to Christian Grey. He had been wanting to buy it for sometime and now he has it. I now have thirty million dollars and they have Christian Grey bullying them around. I went back to my maiden name.
Well I get it now, don't let people make you miserable. Angela seems very well cared for and thanks for saving her. I hired two bodyguards for her and the nanny after this. I have a feeling I will need your services soon mr Davidson.

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