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I can't think straight and I don't know who I am or where I am. I look around and see a policewoman sitting in the room. I try to move but something has my hands restrained. I can't move my feet either.
Policeman Davies
Oh look who has finally graced us with her consciousness. The detectives have a lot of questions for you about Angela the baby you were taking care of is missing and you were the last person to see her.
I don't know what you are talking about. I don't know any baby and no one by the name Angela. I don't know anyone. Not even who I am. Where are we?
Policewoman Davies
I am here in the hospital prison ward guarding you and telling the others when you wake up. If I were you I would confess and hope the baby is alive.
I think I want an attorney and now.
Policewoman Davies
Oh really you think you have any rights at all. I thought you didn't know who you are, but yet you are asking for an attorney? I just don't understand how you could know to ask for an attorney if you have memory loss?
Are you a doctor?
Policewoman Davies
No, but you are acting very suspicious to me.
Oh good lord find me a phone, if I am not being charged then why am I in the prison ward and cuffed to the bed. You had an unconscious person cuffed to a bad did I get any medical treatment at all? Somehow I doubt it. I want to see the doctor who supposedly treated me. Because I don't believe any of you had a ct scan of my head at all. Now get the warden of this place because you aren't moving to get me a call to an attorney. I also want to know the charges against me. NOW. you like your job, because I will sue you for not giving me my rights. Policewoman Davies.
Cassandra Blake
I just found out I can't have a baby after so many years of trying to have one. I am hearing things now. A baby crying, I follow the sound of the baby and inside a very expensive diaper bag is an infant bawling its eyes out. I see the bottles of milk and a blanket and one diaper. I see the pacifier and place it in its mouth. It stops crying and I head up to my apartment and find my way to the kitchen to heat up the bottle. I place the two other bottles in the fridge. Three bottles seem a lot to have on hand for just one diaper and a blanket. Where was the stroller, I should take this bag back down just in case. I slip down after assuring the baby is safe. I place the empty bag where I found it. I am glad they don't have cctv cameras in the building or the parking lot. It is like God gave me this child. My husband left me for the slut who is having his twins. I took half of everything from him. He deserved it. His new wife is pretty mad I got the house and the penthouse. They had to buy a house and sell the one in Portland to buy the one in Seattle. I got the penthouse in New York and he got the mansion in New Jersey. She tried like hell for the New York one, but I inherited it from my parents, so the Judge refused to allow her any thoughts of getting it. I got half his money minus any inheritance from his family. Meaning the engagement ring in my finger. I hated it anyway. My inheritance was why we could afford the lifestyle we had. I laugh when I think of the house they bought in the sound. I inherited the house in the sound along with the boats in which he took his slut out on regularly. She actually thought he owned the house and the boats dumb bimbo girl. The baby was crying so I changed its diaper. I need baby supplies, but I can't be obvious about it. I need a car seat a stroller. Who can I trust to do this for me, no one at all. I might need to go in disguise and I think I still have things to do that with. I know how to get around this. I order everything I need and have it wrapped up like I am buying for a baby shower and I am going all out. I call and have the most important things delivered milk, food, diapers, blankets clothing, car seat, stroller, baby bed, play pen, spoon, baby grooming kit, nasal cleaner butt ointment wipes. I order everything from one place and they deliver it right away. I tell them my cousin is coming in and she has a baby and needs to hide from her abusive husband, so no one can know I bought these items or he will hurt us once he finds us. Especially her and maybe the baby. I think they believed that story they seemed to. I told them my cousin is laying down healing from her beating after her hospital stay. They swore they wouldn't say a word to anyone about the delivery or the baby or my cousin. They leave me with the baby now settled in the baby bed. Someone added bedding and a charging table as well. They definitely were very aware of what was needed for a baby who just came home from the hospital.
Policewoman Davies
She won't say a word to me at this point, the couple has came in and she said if they think She hid their child they are right, but it was from the guy who tried to take the baby from her after he hit her in the head. She got away from him somehow,but dropped her phone. She put the tracker in her shoe and hid the baby in her diaper bag leaving a blanket, diaper and the bottles inside. She turned and asked Barbara why she sent so many bottles of mil for two hours at the park? That even got me looking at the mother. Who according to the original interviewer the mother had no idea what either of them were wearing. She also couldn't find photos of her baby or the nanny. I again look at the mother. Something is odd here. Suddenly the mother grabs the girl by the throat and asks her what she did to her baby?
I see the cop is eyeing me and seeing my responses to Anastasia's questions if me so I grab Anastasia by the throat to shut her up. I yell what did you do with my baby? The cop gets me off her immediately.

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