For Whom The Bell Tolls?

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Christian has provided me with enough assistance to win the cases against the Seattle PD and The doctor in charge of Anastasia's care in the prison part of the hospital. With Dr Lewiston and her medical records prior to him coming on as her surgeon. We have an excellent case against them. Heads will roll on this one. The care she was given or should I say withheld nearly caused her death. Some still don't seem to understand you can't do this. She was not charged, because they had no proof she was involved in kidnapping the baby. The fact she ended up dying in front of my son and his driver in the street unconscious speaks for itself. Apparently behind Todd Nelson's back Barbara was telling a different story. Witnesses from the park came forward and told what they had witnessed and 911 calls were made the day her life changed for good, by simply protecting an innocent baby. Anastasia is in therapy due to her brain injuries. Dr Lewiston says she will eventually be able to live a normal life. Her teachers were asked to allow her to do her assignments she missed and to turn those in and turn in current ones as well.
Kate and Mia went to bet for me with my professors. Todd came by and checked on me, he wanted answers as well and I told him the truth as I saw it. Mia and Kate walked and heard everything and they gave him their impressions of his wife. He found out that she never wanted Angela, but she wanted him and the life he gave her. She was going to abort Angela but he found the pregnancy test.
Wow, I need to think about this and ask how things got so bad and I failed to notice anything. I give Cassandra a call and ask her to set up a meeting with her attorney. Angela actually missed her and she missed Angela. Anastasia was missed as well, but for some reason the bond between Cassandra was stronger. Angela still lives Anastasia but I couldn't help to notice she reaches and cries for Cassandra she never did to anyone else. She was questioned about her part in the story, but no charges were ever made against her. I refused to pursue charges against her, since she helped save Angela's life along with Anastasia. You can't fault her for losing perspective after her bad news and finding a baby right afterward. I found out a few other things, I now have cctv cameras going at all times. After Angela disappeared I sent Barbara away to a spa she convinced me she needed to go to. Since I am having her followed I gave her the okay to go. Another sign she is a bad person and horrible mother. What mother takes a vacation when their only child is missing? No one if they love the child. I took the time to have cameras and a high end security system installed in all our properties. No room is off limits. Staff quarters have codes to turn theirs off when they need privacy. Barbara won't know that though. Of course this was discussed with staff and an agreement was signed and an NDA. They can't tell Barbara or outsiders. I am the only one who decides who will know.
Todd has been bringing Angela over to visit me. She couldn't sleep her first night back, so he drove over and the second I saw her she grabbed for me. Ten minutes later she was sound asleep in my arms. I think it is because I saved her and she knew it and she feels safer with me than anyone else. He got my attorney's number and said he wants to see about getting divorced from Barbara. He has found things out and he has someone following her and he has other issues with her. Anastasia is still in therapy and his medical insurance is covering all her bills. I have heard that she died five times during her brain surgery. Apparently the police refused her proper medical care and because of that her injuries weren't treated in a timely manner. If her attorney had not interceded on her behalf she would be dead. I feel that she is a hero and God was looking out for me, Angela, Anastasia and Todd that day. I am glad he and I met, but I don't like that he is married so we keep the space between each other.
Attorney Davidson
Todd Nelson wants to start divorce proceedings after he showed me the photos of his wife cheating on him. He thinks this guy might be the kidnapper who hurt Anastasia. I call a friend of mine and ask if we can look into the Nelson kidnapping and compare a person of interest against the cctv footage at the park and wherever they got a good shot of him. He definitely has grounds for a divorce, but he wants full custody of Angela. I tell him we have to build a case against her as the one who was behind the attempted murder of Anastasia and kidnapping of Angela.
Brian Collins
I have been through hell hiding out and Barbara is ignoring my calls. Anastasia was too quick for me and got away after she took a pretty good hit to her head, she was protecting Angela like she was her own child. I sped off after her and she somehow did something with that damn stroller and took something off it and threw the thing at me hitting me and knocking me down. Phones were being pulled out I covered my face again. I lost her, but I couldn't find her. So I went to where I last saw her and she started running without the bag and just had the baby, later after I beat her into unconsciousness I found it was just a blanket with diapers and baby clothing in it. By that time police were combing the neighborhoods looking for the baby and Anastasia. Barbara was pretty mad about me not having Angela, because she arranged to make money off her. I tell her she still owes me money and I need it. Todd has her on a strict budget and now she can't access any accounts without his okay. She would have had the cash if the kidnapping had went correctly.

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