A New York A New Year

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We have arrived at my penthouse in New York. Amelia stayed for some reason, mom says she thinks she knows the reason. His name might be Jordan Moss. I checked on him and I hope Amelia isn't just interested in him out of sympathy. They have waved at each other at this point. Matilda told mom a few things and it was enough to make us all warn her not to break the young man's heart. I wished she had came with us, I had a guy who wanted to meet her specifically. He already met her briefly but didn't get her number back then, so he was going to come to my party.
Christian was in deep thought after he called someone and told them Amelia wasn't going to be at the party. I ask if everything is okay and he says  Amelia is headed in a direction and I might need to talk to her as a friend and prevent her from hurting an already hurting man. He shows me the room I will be staying in and places my bags in the room. He points to his room and it is next to mine. Elliott and Kate are staying in the same room. Mia is down the hall from us. Christian tells me we should eat and then go shopping and sight seeing as well.
I am going to have fun on this trip. Kate is a great person to be around. She is eight years younger but that doesn't bother her and we worked hard at getting past her walls and I found that she changed my attitude about being married. So have my mom and dad at Christmas I saw how much they still loved and lusted after each other. Plus if I want to keep Kate, I will change wanting marriage and children. If I don't when she wants those things it will be someone else giving them to her. I can't allow that to happen. I pull Kate inside the bedroom and lock the door. I have her naked and in the shower with me in no time at all.
Elliott is an exceptional person and his skills in bed are amazing. We have been having sex just after Christmas. He was rewarded for buying me a gift that I never told him about wanting. I was stunned that he noticed me looking at it. It was in a toy store, one that sells antique ones. It was a Steiff Teddy Bear, it was tiny but well tended. He bought it and gave it to me when we arrived at his apartment. He got well rewarded for two days. I was sure then I was falling in love with a man who notices things about me. We finally make it out for dinner and shopping. They all know what we were doing.
Well I see you finally found your way out of the shower. I know you ladies want to go shopping and tonight we will do just that. Tomorrow we can do whatever we want and you ladies can do more shopping. Mia you have my black Amex buy whatever you and the ladies want as well. Get Tia something's as well.
I will, is there a limit?
Don't go over a million.
I hand Kate my black Amex and tell her to buy something sexy. She blushes.
Okay I will buy something you will like.
The shopping spree was just that, I found a few stores that Elliott and Christian loved as well. Sexy lingerie was bought and then sexy dresses and shoes, Anastasia looked amazing in everything she tried on. Christian bought her a whole wardrobe and very sexy shoes and boots. He bought her a little of everything. But lingerie he went all out. So did Elliott. Mia couldn't deal with the sexy lingerie any more and bought things for her and Tia and went to buy both of them some clothing and shoes and boots. The total nearly caused us to faint.
I am probably just jealous my brothers are dating my best friends and they are all having fun. Shopping was our thing, well that and other things. Tomorrow Elliott and Christian are going to do their own thing while us girls go out and buy whatever we want. It is nice having a billionaire brother who spoils you and your friends. I want to see an old friends gallery. We can go check it out.
The next day we eat breakfast and go our separate ways. I take Kate and Anastasia to the gallery and introduce them to Alexandria Dawson. Her art is very different and not something you would see regularly. She introduces us to her latest protégé Jose Rodriguez. He can't take his eyes off of Anastasia.
Mia and I went to school together and I moved to New York and started painting and started this studio and art school. My paintings aren't selling as well as they could so I rented out part of my studio to a photographer who came in to look at my work. His work is bringing in the money and they look mine over and buy something occasionally. Mia coming by is a good opportunity to ask her if Christian is married yet? She says he isn't married yet, but his girlfriend is with me now. She whispers it back. I decide to bring Jose out to meet the ladies. Jose had this thing for brunettes with blue eyes. Mia pointed Anastasia out as Christian's girlfriend. A photograph Jose uses to create art looks like Anastasia. Jose will be stunned to see the resemblance.
Alex has me drop everything and meet some people. I nearly drop to my knees as I see the girl who resembles the old photos I found. All in color and one stood out a brunette with bright blue eyes. She is standing in the gallery. I need to start talking and I go and shake the brunettes hand and I can't stop looking at her and holding her hand. I barely recall her name much less her trying to get her hand back. A big guy comes and takes my hand off of hers and I finally aware of my misstep. I apologize and want to show them my work and some old photos.
I think we should leave now,sorry.

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