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Grace Grey
Carrick is working hard to get Anastasia her due and he has finally got a few numbers, but not enough for what they did to Anastasia. She is getting better and she finally got her classes done and passed all of them. Mr Nelson is letting her stay in the staff's quarters and he kept her on as the nanny. She was given what he owed her pay wise and then gave her a settlement of his own to her to make up for what happened because of his wife.
Carrick thinks fifty thousand is a huge insult and since my medical bills are over three hundred thousand and growing that number is far too low. He thinks five million each would be the right number. By the time we are done he is sure that if they settle soon, they will have a lot more law suits and ten million won't be enough to settle with me. They can no longer question me regarding my being attacked. The baby is back home and safe. Who knows what they were intending to do with Angela. It turned my suspicions were correct Barbara was behind everything. Todd was able to get an annulment and somehow they found out more about her. She took the money Todd gave her to pay me and deposited into accounts in another name. When they announced her disappearance a bank employee recognized her as an extremely rude customer of her bank. A woman at the spa came forward and said she remembered her being at the hotel and using their services and didn't stay long.
Three months later
We got a combined ten million dollar settlement. Carrick got two and a half million dollars of that amount. People were also terminated. They have start regulating care of hospitalized prisoners. I wasn't even charged or arrested, I was being held illegally and not given proper medical treatment. Because of my case others decided to sue as well. Carrick is going to a very busy attorney.
We finally get Anastasia out to celebrate her victories and one is that she is able to move out if the Nelson home and go to college full time. Kate and I have gotten her to invest in a hone of her own. Elliott has helped her find and buy an amazing place and he has freed to repair and update everything in an older home near the sound. She bought a car as well. She invested in some new clothing and security system for her new property.
Elliott Grey is around a lot now that he is involved with getting her home repaired and updated thoroughly along with security features including a gate she can control from any where in her home. I love the ideas he came up with to keep her safe. He and I flirt a lot, but he is still a confirmed bachelor.
I go see how Anastasia is doing when she comes to family dinner. Taylor is hoping she is better than she was, he tried to see her when she was in lock up at the hospital, but they refused to allow him to see her. If he had even suspected what they were doing he would have asked Carrick to step in immediately and so would I have. When I found out she was friends with Mia and Mia said there was no way she would have been treated like that. She won her settlement and got out of the Nelson home and now attending college full time. She is going to miss Angela, but she thinks it is better if her father has a chance to move on and she feels that her presence will be an ongoing reminder of when Angela was missing. Elliott helped her get into a fixer upper home on the sound. It was great find, I wished he had let me know about it. Oh well he is trying to score some points with Kate Kavanagh. I know he scored points with Anastasia as well.
I can't believe Elliott didn't think of me when that property came up for sale, he explained that they wanted a quick sale and it needed a lot of work. He told me that I couldn't afford to buy it and have the work done as well. Plus her trust fund wouldn't be released to buy it. Mom and dad interceded on Elliott's behalf and said the couple needed a quick sale and it was definitely and as is sale. They told me that they need the cash from the sale and Anastasia had the three hundred thousand dollars and they thought she would take care of their home in the manner it should be. She was the only one who didn't want to tear it down and build. She apparently wanted to restore and update the existing home. Elliott showed me exactly what the home looked like before and what it will look like when he is done with it. It isn't my style and they would have never sold me the house.
Anastasia has let me run with the full restoration of the home and added to it as well. The patio and the pool and the pool house. The dock had been restored and they sold her the boats that were in the new boathouse. They had the work done before the medical bills hit and took their money they earmarked for the restoration of their home. They needed to sell and go into a nursing home. So they called me knowing how reputable I was and they wanted a good person at first they were hesitant to sell to Anastasia until they found out she wan against the Seattle PD and the doctors who worked her case while they had her locked up. I told them I knew her on a personal level and she was held without cause and that is why she was given a settlement. They met her and the deal was closed within an hour.

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