Gunfight At Midnight

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We had a great time at the spa and we had a lot of fun in our bedroom as well. I still don't trust her and I am sure she plans on doing something soon. Right now I am on high alert, I found out where she had the gun while she was getting a facial. I got a text from my friend and he got word they are going to bring in Barbara for further questioning once they find her. He told me I should come clean and make a deal before she makes any moves to save her neck.
The detective interviewed me again and asked where Barbara is and said he needs to ask some new questions about new concerns in the case. Shortly afterward I got a call saying that I need to come to an attorney's office that it is urgent. I got there as quickly as possible. I was brought to the office of Attorney Davidson, inside he was standing there and a beautiful woman holding my Angela. I met Cassandra and heard her story as to how she came to save my daughter and that she at first thought to keep her and her lapse in judgement and why. We came up with a explanation as to how the baby was brought back to me. We left out any names and said they just put her and the diaper bag in my car and in her car seat.
We have arrived and we got some spa time and he went back to my room and waited while I did all the what he calls things for the females and he doesn't want anything waxed., peeled or anything else like that. He did get a pedicure and manicure because it felt good. I think it was because the lady doing it very pretty and flirty. He can flirt all he wants, I am so done with him. Luckily no one knows he is with me here. I told him we had to be discreet here so my husband wouldn't know anything. Everything is set in motion and he won't be leaving the area. I get back and something is off in the room. I look around and his things are missing and my gun is gone and so are the bullets. I also notice my purse has been taken along with my phone and charger. My keys are gone as well. The valet ticket is there though. I always carry my extra set of keys because a valet drive lost my keys not once but three times. I learned my lesson after that I just have extra keys with me in case. I can't report this robbery and I think Brian knew it. I already have a car and an apartment rented under Barbara Goode and it is waiting for me along with accounts I built while Todd had no idea where my money was going to. Before he budgeted my money. Anastasia was going to tell Todd about not getting paid her full paycheck soon. Another reason to get rid of her. I owed her ten thousand dollars, she was given a sign on bonus. But didn't get it yet, Todd gave me the money, but I refused to hand it over to Anastasia. When she turned in her two week notice she filed a law suit against us and also reported me to the labor board. If she isn't around to testify then she can't and seeing how she can't even get them to take her to use the toilet, they aren't going to allow her to make court appearances.
I call a friend that I know in this area and he really thinks Barbara needs taught a lesson and he wants to teach her one. He heard the story and he thinks I need to get out of town and never come back. He thinks she is setting me up to take the fall.
Al Robins
I am ready for this Barbara when she comes out and gets in a car. I decide to follow her, Brian has given me the Glock and the bullets. He has surgical gloves on and hands me some. He hands me her important things from her purse. I give him cash and keys to a car he owns so he can get out of this situation quickly. I didn't recognize him when he came out. He was clean shaven and tanned his beard was his trademark. He refused to get tattooed because it was a way to identify criminals. The more innocuous he is the better. Plus Seattle PD is looking for a tattooed bearded guy two inches taller than he actually is. I tell him to send me smoke signals when he finds a place to stop roaming. The smoke signals were from a scouting trip, he tried sending smoke signals and burned the thing he was using to send them with. I finally see where Barbara has stopped, it is a nice home in an isolated area, which is good and bad. She is either planning something or she is hiding from someone. Well I need to wait her out.
I am being followed and I finally got rid of two of them. I have locked up and my car is gone, so I reported it stolen. I can't report anything else.
I am glad Al brought me with him here and we left Barbara her car. I have her keys though. And what do we have here a few house keys and the tag has this address written on it, just the numbers and zip code. Al told me Barbara would turn on me and here we are. Al gets the gun ready he is using her gun and making it look like a suicide.
Brian is too gullible for his own good, he is lucky I find him adorable. We have had rough times together and I am good at fixing things for people, but he seems to falter when it comes to this kind of thing. I would have had that baby, but in a different way. The kid who was the nanny would never have been hurt. There is a period of time when a major distraction takes attention away from a caretaker. In those moments the baby can be taken easily if it is set up in just the right manner. I had to do a job for the father of a baby who was being abused by the mother and step father. I witnessed the injuries myself. Let's just say I made sure they wouldn't hurt that baby again. The father got his baby back and he is a happy boy and not a bruise one on him now. Barbara would be good dead useless mother. She gave birth to a beautiful daughter us her only redeeming quality. I take the keys and put on a mask and leather gloves and go and unlock the door. I wasn't prepared for the bullet whizzing by me. But whoever was shooting at me wasn't ready for me to shoot back. I hit them in one shot. I head that way and it is a man. I turn and come eye to eye with Barbara, I grab her gun and force her into a position where her hands are on the Glock positioned to look like a suicide. I pull the trigger. She goes down and I place the keys in the man's hand. I go check for blood on my clothing and leave quietly leaving the door ajar. It looks like she realized she killed her liver and committed suicide. Go have a life and don't get into further trouble son. Don't let your past control your future. I killed your mother and your stepfather so you could get a healthy normal life here is your chance. Don't disappoint me.
I won't I promise dad. I will find a good lady and never look back. I will send smoke signals to you. He lets me out at a car he bought me along with a new identity.

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