[bucky barnes] good girl

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summary: bucky goes away for a week, yet you just couldn't control yourself...
pairing: bucky barnes x fem!reader
word count: 4608
warnings: *SMUT* - this is crass, swearing, ddlg kink, daddy dom!bucky, phone sex (kinda), masturbation, impact play (spanking, belt), use of vibrator, handcuffs, blood play, overstimulation, lots of dirty talk, unprotected sex

important author's note:

hey all! just want to let you all know that i'm still here writing! i've edited and rewritten one of my bucky smuts and it's turned into this short piece, which i published into my other book (which i highly recommend at least keeping an eye on!). i was super excited to rewrite and publish this, so i hope you enjoy it! happy reading <3

in light of recent events: i DO NOT consent to the distribution (reposted, translated, published) of my works to any third party site or app. if you see my work posted on any platform that is not my wattpad (bitchassboinky) or my tumblr (bitchassboinky), it has been stolen and reposted without my permission.


'Are you going to be a good girl for me while I'm gone, doll?'

The question came out in a low growl, threatening while still holding that desired adoration. His duffle bag slung over his shoulder, hugged tight to his body with a firm grasp at the strap. The other hand, much warmer, held your face, thumb brushing gently the skin. Fallen into temptation, you leaned into his touch, eyes fluttered closed at the contrast of his warm hand on your cool cheek.

'Of course, daddy.'

The words were almost incoherent as they left your lips; you were far too caught up in relishing his touch. Only a week seemed a distant memory.

'Good girl. You know the rules,' he reminded, though the façade didn't last much longer. Furrowed brows raised up gently, the once-dark gleam in his eyes lost like rainclouds on a sunny day. The nerves seemed to settle then, though he wouldn't admit it to many. 'I'm going to miss you so much.'

Bucky's breath fell hot on the top of your head as he pulled you into a tight embrace. Your face buried into his neck with your arms wrapped around his torso, you breathed his strong scent in a final time. It felt like infinity, yet still sheer seconds before you parted, though touch not lost with his lips pressed to yours in a deep kiss. To him, the inevitable whine left at the loss of contact was like hearing nails down a chalkboard, the wince so pained and piercing.

'I promise that I'll see you on Sunday morning, my dear. I love you more than anything.'

He shifted back then, half a metre out the front door.

'I love you the most.'

It was a sorrowful cry that parted you, the door shutting heavily. The home fell into silence, heartbeat reverberating throughout your ears like a church bell. Everything felt cold without his presence, but there was little you could do to lift the room.

With a disappointed sigh, you shuffled over to the kitchen. The unopened pint of Ben and Jerry's called your name, the need not one that you would be willing to suppress. You moved like a ghost to the couch, where you collapsed onto the abundance of plush pillows; it was the one place you would call your own for the forthcoming days. The day succumbed to hours of telenovelas and shitty romance films – a guilty pleasure you wouldn't dare to admit. By evening, you'd powered through enough tissues and ice cream to supply a whole village. You donned a fluffy blue otter Oodie at the dinner table, indulging in a large bowl of mac and cheese. Beside you, a chubby little Snorlax plushie sat with a dopey smile on its face, quietly keeping you company – for comfort, as it did.

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