[carol danvers] best friend

41.5K 266 107

requested by nostalgicdreqms
Warnings: carolxfem!reader / girlxgirl, scissoring
Word Count: 3.4k


Feeling a hand shake your shoulder, you groaned and dug your face further into your plush pillow. "Come on, [y/n/n], it's time to get up," a soft voice cooed, not letting down in shaking you awake. Despite being half-asleep, you could detect that voice from anywhere. "I need to check on your wounds and make sure that they aren't infected," Carol followed up, gently shifting down your duvet.

Carol Danvers had been your best friend since forever, it seemed. What felt like a lifetime was only a few years, and in that time, you had developed feelings for her – of all people, your best friend. It was seemingly obvious to everyone but Carol, who would have just thought you were being friendly with her. She had been through everything with you; from saving your life from some alien species to moving houses with you, she was with you through thick and thin. The only person you really allowed into your humble abode was Carol, the only other person with a key. However, you doubted that she actually used the key, and instead burst in through the window as she had done so relentlessly before.

"Do I have to?" you grumbled into the pillow, barely audible.

"Sorry, I'm afraid that I don't speak gibberish," she laughed musically. You groaned and rolled over, opening your eyes as wide as you could within your sleepy state. Even though you had been awake for less than five minutes, you took in her beauty captured by the sunlight streaming in.

"I said, do I have to?" you asked innocently, batting your eyelashes up at her like a child. Carol laughed and nodded, stretching her hand out and motioning for you to sit up.

"Yes, you do. Now come on, up you get," she demanded. With a whine, you painfully lifted yourself up into an upright position, your tank top and shorts unable to cover yourself as Carol fully removed of the blanket. Your hands fell into your lap, your gaze focussed on your twiddling thumbs and she took in your present wounds with a gasp. "[y/n], you didn't tell me how bad these are."

"I didn't think that it was that serious. That's why I told you to come today instead of last night," you mumbled. Last night, your ex-partner threw you out of the ninth story window as soon as you had broken up with [him/her]. It was stupid really, but you knew that they needed to let out their anger and potentially go to jail, so you allowed them to do so, hiding your abilities from them. Dark purple bruises lined your arms and legs, deep cuts positioned on your back – you had slept on your stomach for a reason that night. You had a busted, cut lip and a little blue and purple bruise present on your high right cheekbone. Falling out of a window sucked, to say the least. Though your bones agonizingly placed themselves back together, your exterior lacked the ability to mend itself, thus you had to walk around with bruises and scars. "But really, Carol, I'm fine," you attempted to assure your best friend,

"No, you're not fine," she sighed, "Can you still walk without it hurting?"

"Yes, I can. See!" you spoke stubbornly, lifting yourself carefully from your bed and hobbling around the room. With every step you took, you winced slightly at the pain shooting up your body, the cuts on your feet splitting open and that on your back causing you to hiss as your tank top rubbed against them.

"Sit down, [y/n]," she instructed; the corners of her lips turned upright ever so slightly. You rolled your eyes and hobbled to the bed, crashing down with a grunt. "Just let me clean you up, okay?"

You nodded lightly and Carol left the room, not before giving you a smile. Exhaling gingerly, you laid back down on your plush bed, exhausted from standing and walking around your room amidst your pain. You knew that if you had a few days of rest, you would heal in no time and be back to your regular self. With a mellow hum, you drifted back to sleep, not wanting to be awake when she cleaned your wounds.

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